Rucas- Death of a Bachelor

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A/N: Inspired by the song Death of a Bachelor by Panic! at the Disco

He sighed as he sat on the New York City subway one morning. He felt very accomplished that he had found it, having only moved here from Texas two days prior. He was on his way to high school in his junior year, his parents having moved him here a month into the year.

He missed his friends. They had always been there for him. He missed Zay, his best friend. The two had been inseparable all their lives, until now.

He missed the girls. Despite the stereotypes of southern girls, there were some hot ones back home that were dumb enough to think he actually liked them.

Some might have called him a player or a fuckboy. After all, he had already hit on four women this morning and it wasn't even 7:30 yet. Others might just call him a bachelor, a term he preferred.

He spotted the lovely brunette across the subway standing with a blonde. The blonde was cute enough, but the brunette was just plain gorgeous.

He was sitting there, thinking about what his move would be when suddenly the train surged forward, causing the brunette he had been half staring at to fly backwards.

He reached out and caught her before she could fly past him, her landing on his lap. Before she could say anything, he spoke.

"Well, I think you just fell for me," he charmed, as he always had his charm on when it came to girls.

"And I think you use lines like that very often," she replied as she slid into the seat next to him.

He faltered, never having had a reaction like that from a girl before. However, he had the charm turned back on in a second.

"What's the matter? Having a bad day?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm just not falling for that," she replied. "So, what's your name charmer?"

He laughed and nodded. "I'm Lucas."

"Well, I'm Riley, and I can tell by that accent and the fact that I've never seen you on this train before that you're not from here. So, charmer, where are you from?"

"Gee, you don't miss anything," Lucas complimented. "I'm from Texas. My family just moved here a couple days ago."

He couldn't believe what was happening. He never gave girls his real name, let alone told them things about his life. What was this girl doing to him?

"Oh, a southern boy. That explains the charm and the fact that you thought I would just fall for you right here," Riley said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Lucas asked, mock insulted but genuinely curious.

"The girls down there are dumb at best. They see a guy admittedly charming and good looking as yourself and they fall down at your feet, waiting to see who can get first in line," she answered smugly.

"Well, you've got that right. I've met girls in my time who thought Texas was it's own country," he said with a laugh.

The two talked the whole way there, until it was almost Riley's stop.

"Where are you heading?" she asked, knowing that he probably didn't know when his stop was.

"Abigail Adams High School," he answered, grateful for the help.

"Hey, that's my school!" she said with a smile.

"Well, glad to know I've already got a friend," he replied, smiling as well.

Suddenly the train stopped and Riley stood up.

"Come on, Charmer. I'll show you the way to school," she said with a smirk. He grinned as he got up and followed her, running up beside her.

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