Rucas- Memories (2)

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About a month after the accident, Lucas woke up at 5:00. There was no particular reason for him to be awake this early. He didn't even need to be awake to get ready school for another hour.

He laid in his bed, willing himself to go back to sleep. After a few minutes, he gave up on sleep and decided to go for a run instead. Maybe that would clear his head.

He set out on his run with no particular destination, but still without fail he ended up there. It was like his body ran on autopilot. Every time he went on a run he always ended up here.

He looked up at the window, as if he was checking up on her. He did this everyday. He never actually went to see her, this being the little bit of closure he allowed himself.

Meanwhile, Riley laid in bed. She had woken up at 5:30 for some reason. It was like her body was on the clock, because every day she woke up at 5:30 for no reason.

She sighed and crawled out of bed into the unfamiliar room. It wasn't all that unfamiliar, actually. It was like when you go on vacation for a long time and then come home. Everything is the same as it was before, but it doesn't seem real or like it was yours in the first place.

She walked to her window and opened it, deciding she needed the fresh air. She walked out onto the fire escape that was outside her window and stood, taking in the New York scene.

Was she really a junior in high school? She looked down at her body and saw curves that definitely hadn't been there before.

How did she lose four years? What had she done during those years? Would she ever remember?

These questions had been running through her mind since she had been told she had amnesia. She shook her head in an effort to rid herself of them. It was too early in the morning to deal with questions like that.

She looked around, eventually seeing someone familiar on the ground. Being on the third floor of her apartment building, she was relatively close to the ground.

It was him. He came by here everyday, always doing stretches or something on the other side of the street. She would remember him anywhere. That awfully sad look on his face when she hadn't remembered him was something etched into her mind.

He seemed like someone she would hang out with. He was tall, athletic, and from the stories Maya had told her he seemed like quite the nice guy.

But she just didn't remember him. She didn't remember any part of high school. She didn't remember most of middle school. Apparently there were two other people that she was pretty close with that she didn't remember either.

But him. He wouldn't leave her head.

She had been looking through her stuff and found so many pictures. They looked professionally done, so she didn't believe she had taken them until Maya had told her. She must have gotten into photography in the years she didn't remember, so there went another skill down the drain.

Looking down at the guy in the street, trying to not so secretly glance towards her window, Riley decided that it was time to go talk to him.

Deciding against going back through her apartment, Riley grabbed her phone and climbed down the fire escape.

Lucas was doing stretches when he saw something on the fire escape. Focusing his gaze on that, he realized that it was Riley.

He stood up, about to cross the street, when she darted across it to his side.

"Hey," he greeted, trying not to sound terribly excited. The two hadn't talked since the accident, and he thought she had been avoiding him.

"Hey," she greeted shyly.

"What are you doing up so early? You don't have to be up for school, yet at least," Lucas asked. Maya had told him that Riley wasn't going to be back for at least the rest of the semester, given that she didn't remember anything she had learned since sixth grade.

"Just felt like being up, I guess," Riley answered. Lucas nodded his head at that.

An awkward silence filled the air, Lucas not wanting to push her and Riley not knowing what to talk about. Suddenly she remembered why she had brought her phone out here.

"Hey," she said suddenly.

"Yeah?" Lucas asked.

She gestured to her phone. "Do you know the password to this thing? I can't remember, obviously, and I didn't have it written down anywhere. It is going off like crazy with Instagram messages and Tweets and Snapchats to me, and I just want to be able to tame those."

Lucas laughed, and thought for a minute.

"I don't know what you would have put as your password. You had the most random things so that nobody would guess them," he said when he didn't come up with anything.

Riley looked defeated. "Ok. Thanks anyway," she said as she turned to go back to her apartment. She crossed the street quickly.

"Try Alfred!" Lucas called across the street. Riley whipped her head around and looked at him.

"What?" she asked, confusion coming across her face as it did so often lately.

"Alfred could be your password. It's something you would do," Lucas explained, a smile on his face.

Riley smiled at him. "Thanks," she said before crawling back through her window.

Lucas looked up at the window for a second before running back home.

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