Zaya- Homecoming?

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It was sophomore year for the gang, and it was homecoming season. Lucas had already asked Riley by doing the usual "holding up a sign with a cute catch phrase on it" bit, which of course Riley said yes to. Farkle had asked Smackle with an equation, something only the two of them understood, but everyone thought was cute. Smackle had also said yes, obviously.

Now, the only people without dates were Zay and Maya. Zay had liked Maya since eighth grade year. Maya had recently started to sort of develop feelings for Zay as well. She and Josh were still playing the long game, but she knew that she couldn't wait forever for him.

One afternoon, the guys were hanging out at Topanga's doing homework and hanging out. They were talking about homecoming, which was in two weeks.

"Guys, real talk. I've got to figure out a way to get a date for homecoming," Zay said. "I want to ask Maya, but I don't know how and what if she says no?"

"Ok first of all," Farkle started. "Maya wouldn't say no."

"You don't think she would?" Zay asked.

"No. It's obvious she has feelings for you. If you asked her to homecoming, she'd definitely say yes," Lucas replied.

"She does?" Zay asked, blushing.

"Obviously," the two guys said at once.

"Ok, so that's decided. How should I ask?" Zay questioned, having thought about this for weeks with no luck.

Lucas and Farkle had no ideas, the only ideas they had had to start with having been used by them. Their homework long forgotten, they turned to the only thing they could think of- Google.

"This one is about a girl being the only girl in his world, and it looks like it's got a edited picture from a show. It's kinda cute," Lucas threw out, showing Zay the picture.

"Nah, not my style," Zay said, shaking his head.

"This one is Texas themed," Farkle said. Before he could even show him the picture, Zay and Lucas both said very loudly, "No!"

"What? It's funny and it shows where you're from," Farkle asked.

"Do you know how much crap Maya would give us if we did anything Texas themed?" Zay asked. "Do you not remember how much she made fun of us last year after we showed up in the Texas outfits?" Lucas asked.

Farkle nodded as he remembered. Maya had made fun of Lucas and Zay for being "country bumpkins" for quite awhile after that.

"Ok, so none of that," Farkle said, going back to the search.

Finally, Zay came across the perfect one. It showed a side of him that people usually forgot. It was great.

Lucas and Farkle agreed, and the conversation soon turned to how Zay could pull it off.


Maya, Riley, and Smackle were all in Riley's room at about the same time that the guys were at Topanga's. Riley had wanted to plan the girl's' outfit for one of the Homecoming dress up days, so the girls had gone there.

"How about this one?" Riley asked, showing the group a picture from her laptop.

"I'm not a fan," Maya said, looking a bit upset. Riley noticed immediately, and sat her laptop down.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Riley asked, Smackle having sat down her phone as well.

"Nothing. I just wish I had a date to Homecoming," Maya said, looking away.

"You might not have a date now, but I can almost guarantee that you will for the dance," Riley said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Maya asked, her head shooting up.

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