Rucas- Stress Relief

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A/N: I know I've been gone way too long, but I'm really proud of this one and I hope y'all enjoy :)

It all started with a drunken kiss at a party.

Riley had been taking shots, Lucas having stuck to beer with beer pong games, but they both had been drunk enough to forgo their usual timidness around each other and do what they really wanted. After all, drunken actions are usually sober thoughts that come to life.

They had both been crazy stressed. They were both in all AP classes along with both of them working part time jobs. This party was the first time either of them had let loose in the first two months of the semester, and they let it show.

Riley stumbled through the party, not quite sure where she was going but knowing that she wanted to sit wherever it was.

She bumped into someone, whoever it was barely catching her before she fell.

"Hey," the voice behind the strong arms greeted. It was Lucas.

"Hey," Riley greeted, a smile forming on her lips.

The two hadn't seen as much of each other since their junior year started, the busyness having kept them both from getting to hang out much. So, they struck up a conversation. They made their way to a couch, catching up like old friends as the alcohol slowly started to wear off.

However, the party was, as parties usually are, incredibly loud. They kept having to yell over the music and were continuously interrupted. Finally, Lucas had had enough of it.

"You wanna go somewhere quieter?" he asked. Riley nodded, her legs stronger now as she was beginning to slowly feel more like herself.

They made their way to one of the what seemed like millions of bedrooms in the host's house. The house was huge, the kid throwing the party being rich. They chose one in the back, figuring that they would be less likely to be interrupted in their conversation. That's truly what they had meant for it to be: a conversation.

Their lighthearted conversation eventually turned into venting about how hard things had become. School, work, all of it.

"God, sometimes I just want to drop out," Riley vented after ranting about her AP US History teacher who insisted on giving them no less than two hours of homework a night because "this was designed to be a college class and she would teach it as such."

"You don't mean that," Lucas said softly. Lucas knew that if anyone loved school, it was Riley.

"You're right, I don't," Riley said. Quieter, she added, "I just wish that I had someone who got what it was like."

"What about Maya?" Lucas asked.

"She tries to be there for me, she really does," Riley started. "She just doesn't have the same course load as me, and she just works at Topanga's, so she can pretty much have any hours that she wants. I'm not mad at her for those things, I just wish that I had someone there for me who understood how hard it was. Someone who got it," Riley vented.

Lucas scooted closer to Riley. "I get it," he whispered.

Riley looked into Lucas' eyes. She flicked her eyes down to his lips and back up before moving in.

"Riley, are you sure? I mean, you're drunk-" Lucas started.

"Not drunk enough to not know what I'm doing," Riley assured him. She moved in closer, slowly bringing her lips to his.

It was slow and comforting, exactly what the two of them needed. They fell asleep soon after, neither of them having to be home until morning and the party having been sure to go that long anyway.

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