Rucas- Positive (1)

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A/N: I have no excuse for my absence other than that school has been kicking my ass, I'm a lazy bitch, and some really bad writer's block. I have like a million ideas, but none of them wanted to come out. I had this idea tonight randomly after looking up reasons for periods to be 47 days late (I'm pretty sure I'm the next Virgin Mary guys...sorry if that was TMI) and I came across Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I didn't know what it was until I researched it, so if y'all are curious just research. This prompt came to me and I just had to write it. The beginning kinda sucks, but it gets better towards the end. I've been rambling for awhile, so I'll see you at the end of this.

"I've come to the conclusion that based on your symptoms and the tests we ran that you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome."

Those words kept playing over and over in her head as she sat in the cold doctor's office in the flimsy gown they had told her to wear.

Riley Matthews was 18 years old and a senior in high school. For the past few weeks she hadn't felt right, so finally she decided to come to her doctor to see what was wrong. She never imagined it would be something like this.

She looked through the pamphlets the doctor had handed her before saying that she could come out when she was ready. Riley quickly moved the one about possible fertility treatments in the future to the back, unable to even think about that now.

Even though Riley was only 18, her whole life she has always wanted children. She's always wanted to be a mom, having watched her own mother be wonderful at it. The thought that she couldn't have that anymore was devastating.

Well, she could have that with fertility treatments or with adoption, but it's not the same. It was killing her.


After about 30 minutes Riley had collected herself enough to leave the office, waving goodbye to the nurses and telling them to have a good night with a smile plastered on her face.

When she got outside, the crisp February air matched how she was feeling inside, so she opted to walk home rather than get a cab.

PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility amongst women. Riley had learned that from one of the pamphlets she read. She kept repeating it in her head.

She hadn't told anyone that she was going to the OB/GYN today. Her mother had found her one when she found out that Riley was having sex. Topanga wasn't upset, but wanted her daughter to be on birth control and get checked every year.

Today, Riley was glad to have one.


When Riley got home, no one was there. Apparently her parents had taken her little brother out to the movies, saying that they would be home by 11. Riley was glad for the time alone, needing to think.

She sat in the bay window, the place where all of her life decisions had been made, thinking about life itself.

Why did God do this to her? Riley had always been religious. Her family never really went to church that often, but that didn't stop her from being a person of faith.

Riley just couldn't fathom this. It didn't feel real.

Eventually, the tears started falling. Those turned into sobs that wracked her body as she thought about her future.

She thought to the journal that was somewhere amongst her belongings full of baby names. When she was 13 she had made a list of baby names she wanted to use when she got married and started having children. So much use that was now, she thought.

She had curled up into a ball when she heard a knock on her window. She turned her head and saw none other than her boyfriend, Lucas Friar.

Riley quickly tried to dry her eyes and make it look like she hadn't been crying, but it was no use. Lucas could read her like a book.

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