Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

The first seemed alive with energy. It beckoned me into its pulsing heart. The umber-brown ancient wood of the trees reeked with age. The musky essence floating around was from centuries of snapping branches falling to the forest floor and rotting silently. The organic smell overpowered your senses and rose up in waves like a haze. Every sprawling tree we pass under reminded me of a watchful guardian, a silent sentinel of the grooves. We ventured more in-depth; into the tangled heart of this primeval forest. Its dark secrets and beautiful crystal magic lurked behind every shadow. 

"That's so cool Daddy! That means that Lili isn't lonely anymore."

A large root spread-eagle in the ground in front of us, twisting like the high backs of sea dinosaurs. The foliage became thick and lush, forming an arch of fairytale green above our heads. Arthritic boughs, gnarled with age, dripping their bounty of nuts onto our path. Briars, brambles and berry trees flanked the trail, making it almost impenetrable on either side. Especially for one who had not ventured through these woods, for me. Shuffling noises came from deep within those sections, mixed with hoots, growls and snarls. Even so, they were deadened by the web of leaves protecting them. A troupe of weird looking animals crossed the trail in front of us, and I let out a squeal.

Stranger's POV:

She's mine. 

She has always been mine. 

My past was weak and inadequate to my role, I'll confess, and I had far less control over myself and my beast. I killed planets. I killed my civilians. I killed ungrateful littles, and I would have killed her if not for THEIR strength and THEIR control. But I love her, and I have domination now.

I have changed. And with my improvement, I can see past my weakness, past my want and need.

I need her more then I need air or food or water. Her power, her magic calls to mine. I felt it when she was born. Those weak, loving fools felt it as well. I have to know the extent of her little power, but that knowledge will come with time. It almost feels mind numbingly powerful even being this far away from her although she may be as weak as some of the littles I killed, I doubt that though. With her bloodline and her connections, fail to see how that could even begin to possibly be true. Still I have yet to know but I no longer feel fear towards her...

Fear...I used to suffer through of emotions of fear just at the thought of her magic...of her. I feared what she would do to me...What she would change within me. But i've gown past that. She's mine and I will let no other claim her from me.

I have advanced....and grown...her power against me no longer concerns me except in that it's fitting to her role. I would not and do not claim lesser beings then which my own power can testify against. If I did not exist, she would grow to become one of the strongest Queen's in all galaxies, solar systems and planets, But she is mine and I am her's and everything that is her belongs to me therefore I am the greatest ruler of this time...of all time.

I have hurt her and I must continue to do so if only to love her. it is necessary to have her in my reach. Even for a banished King there are expectations that must be met. One such as an evil lord can not be seen to go from a murderer to a lover in a day. Time is of consequence. But she is mine and with time she and space will come to realize that. I have all of eternity. My followers, slaves, my people know that already and they will not stop me from my pursuit. They too will hurt her but with nothing that could not be irreversible and time also forges forgiveness. They will not kill her. They know she is mine and they believe that I have claimed that right - to kill her - for myself. 

How little they understand and how little they can perceive. 

She is mine but the pleasure she will give me will not come to death because she will give me what I want...willingly. It might hover on the borderline of crucifying pain but she will learn with time.

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