Chapter Four

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After clasping the note in my hand for a few more minutes, I took a deep breath and let it join the small pile of other notes I'd already received. As I once again looked inside the box that held the Tiara's, I realised that they were all different sizes and there was a small plaque in front of each. I peered closer to the first and read what is said.

Baby's First Tiara


Moving to the next two I quickly read them too.

Alina's Eight Birthday Tiara

20th February 2008

Alina's 13th Birthday Tiara

20th February 2013

I smiled widely and fell back onto the bed in happiness as I thought about my new life ahead of me. Just then Ruyard came back up the stairs and gave me a small smile.

"Ma'am, I just thought that I would remind you that your date is in an hour and a half." He said softly.

I let out a soundless gasp.

"Thank you so much for reminding me Ruyard," I said gratefully.

Ruyard nodded, bowed and turned leaving me to my own company. Quickly I grabbed the last present on the bed and sat back down.

Tearing into the paper, I opened the box and looked inside. An assortment of items rested inside the box, and it was almost filled to the brim with gifts. Although laying on top of the pile was a familiar envelope with what I guessed was a note from my last suitor. The envelope was thick and once again had a royal seal keeping it closed. Ripping the letter open, a blush settled upon my cheeks as I began to skim my eyes over dozens of endearments, apologies and sweet words.


The sun is shining today, it only does that on your birthday in Nemphrodelia, because that's the only time when our world feels any happiness. I still remember your baby soft skin, your little pink fingernails, your beautiful golden ringlets and your sky blue eyes. Every time I close my eyes, I see your little face. Although I have no idea what you look like now, every day I fly up onto the meadow behind our house, lay down on the grass and imagine what you would look like.

Sweetheart, I want you to know that I love you so deeply and for leaving you on Earth, I'm sorry. I will never forgive myself, but I hope that in your sweet little heart you can forgive me. When you return to my arms, I will torture and kill those who harmed you and those who took you from me. You belong to me sweetheart; you belong to us.

Lili, your familiar, still hasn't forgiven us, although most of all she hasn't forgiven Xavier as it was his idea to leave you. She won't even acknowledge him. She spends most of her day sulking - just like your other mates and me - in your room on your cot. Although she would never touch your special blanket, she lies right next to it, facing the wall so her back is to the door.

The castle is sad without you baby. I walk through it almost every day and around every corner is an empty space that is meant for you - your highchair, your bouncy house, your life-size dollhouse and your two rooms. Alina, my beautiful angel, please come home soon. Nemphrodelia needs you... I need you. My heart breaks a little more every day that I live without you. My faith in myself has been lost since I left you and I hope that when you come home, you believe that I'm worthy enough to be your Daddy Dominant.

I love you

My little princess


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