Chapter 1

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"Come on Sophie, I wouldn't want to be late if I were you." A high pitched voice said.

"Sandor, give me a second!" She told him while straightening her green scaly tail and trying to zip up her dragon costume. "Can you help me zip this up?"

Sophie felt uncomfortable watching Sandor glare at her while fumbling with her dragon costume, so might as well get him to do something for her.

"Thanks." She jumped, Sandor zipped so hard that she was afraid the whole costume was going to break. Nevertheless she wouldn't have to perform in front of another audience for the opening ceremony at Foxfire for the second time. Sophie walked towards the door.

"Are you ready?" Grady asked blocking the door. "I can't wait to see you dance!"

"Wait I thought you had a meeting with Alden."

"We decided to schedule the meeting tomorrow so Alden could watch Fitz and Biana and me and your mom could watch you."

The sound of Fitz's name made my heart do the stupid skip a beat.

"Great!" I groaned. "Now I have my whole family and bodyguard plus the whole entire school watch me trip over my tail!"

"I bet some custard bursts or mallow melt would cheer you up." Edaline said popping up behind Grady.

Just the sound of mallow melt and custard bursts made me lick my lips.

Edaline laughed and snapped her fingers conjuring a plate with mallow melt and custard bursts. . "I guess that's a yes." 

"I thought you only made custard bursts when we went to visit Jolie's tree?" I asked while stuffing my mouth with custard bursts and feeling them burst inside my mouth while taking small bites of mallow melt.

"Like we told you before, your our daughter to so we'd do anything to cheer you up." Grady told her and Edaline nodded.

"You remind us so much of Jolie-"

"It's fine, you can say that it was such a coincidence that I remind you of Jolie." I reassured Edaline.

Edaline smiled and conjured the empty plate away.

"You must be one hungry little girl." Grady told her.

"Not anymore." I said patting my stomach.

Grady, Edaline, and Sandor laughed, although Sandor's was more like a giggle.

"Come on we don't want to be late." Sandor told her for the millionth time as Grady and Edaline pulled her in for a hug.

"Wow, you look horrendous and beautiful at the same time." Vertina commented when Sophie walked into the mirror's frame, giving her a reassuring smile.

Sophie glared at her, the stupid dragon tail didn't even fit in the frame. She thought of all the ways the opening ceremony could go wrong because of her. What if Dex or Marella or Jensi tripped over her tail... Or even worse, Biana! Biana would break up with her because she embarrassed her and ruined her fashion. What if the Neverseen came and Sandor with all of her friends's bodyguards couldn't defeat them because they were too weak, considering Ruy the psionpath could put up a force field.

Sandor put his goblin hands on Sophie's shoulders and she noticed that she was shaking.

"I think you are more nervous today then last year." Sandor told her and she glared at him.

Sophie tripped on her dragon tail while walking towards Grady and Edaline, twisting her ankle. "Ow!" She shouted, hoping they would take her to Elwin so she could skip the dancing. 

Sandor immediately started pulling Sophie to her feet and she struggled to stand, not on purpose. After a few tries she collapsed again twisting her other ankle as she moaned.

"I guess now we have to take you to Elwin." Grady sighed while Edaline stroked her cheek.

"No I'm fine." She reassured them hoping not to go to Elwin's, she still feared the doctor visits.

Sandor hefted Sophie onto his shoulder as Grady motioned Sandor to follow him.

"I can walk perfectly on my own!" She grumbled.

"Then you'll be as slow as a boobrie." Boobrie birds were very graceful and fast flyers that often screeched, but when it came to walking they were the same speed as a turtle.

When a stroke of light came Grady stepped forwards.

"Can't we just make a house call instead of light leaping?" Sophie asked folding her arms as she struggled not fall off Sandor's rough gobliny shoulder.

"Too late." Grady shouted as the light took him away and Edaline brushed Sophie's now almost waist long blonde hair off her face. Sandor stepped into the light pulling Edaline with him. 

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