"Brim" Kellum said as he jumped up and ran towards the main entrance. As he approached the elevators he saw a solider holding his sister.

"The target is in sight SHOOT" one of the soldiers yelled suddenly bullets came shooting from every direction towards Kellum. Kellum closed his eyes expecting to get shot but he realized he hadn't felt any pain he opened his eyes and noticed that all the bullets completely stopped in mid air and collapsed to the floor before touching him. He looked up at the solider that had his sister. The man quickly raised off the ground and flew into the elevator. Kellum then tumbled to ground Brim ran over to him to help him.

"I'm okay babe" Kellum said

Elliot and bookworm then stepped into the entrance area Elliot held he's duffle bag and a machete in his hand.

"We need to leave" Elliot said. Kellum pulled his sister into the elevator and she quickly released his arm and ran over to the unconscious soldier to pull his gun out and give it to bookworm. The elevator came to a stop and the doors slowly separated revealing a group of soldiers pointing their guns into the elevator. From inside the elevator bookworm alone pointed a gun at the crowd.

"Fuck me " Elliot said, bookworm dropped the gun and the soldiers cautiously pulled the men and brim out the elevator.

"We have someone who would like to talk to you" said a solider

"Bullshit" Elliot responded "if someone wanted to talk to us why'd you try to shoot us"

" we were informed bullets wouldn't work on you, we just wanted to see how true that was" the soliders pulled Elliot, bookworm and Kellum outside where they were greeted by cass and the four sisters who had attacked them.

"We want ....... that one" cass said pointing at Kellum. The soldiers pushed Kellum forward releasing him.

"Hi there Hun, it's so nice to finally meet you" Kellum just looked into cass's face "can I get something for you, ya thirsty? Someone get the boy some water" cass demanded.

"I don't want anything from you" Kellum said.

Cass gasped "Well isn't that rude of you. To deny to hospitality of someone who has clearly shown you true mercy"

"Mercy ?, You know you're not gunna kill me" Kellum said.

"Well of course not, but your friends on the other hand aren't as privileged as you are" Kellum looked back to see the soldiers twisting Elliot and bookworms arms tighter.

"What do you want" Kellum asked.

"You" cass replied

"No, leave my brother alone" brim yelled. Instantly Vivan appeared in front of her growling.

"Well look at her, isn't she the cutest little thing bring her over here won't you viv."

"My pleasure" Vivian grabbed brim by the hand and threw her over to cass she landed on the floor directly by cass's foot. Kellum looked at Vivian enraged that he was still to weak to use any magic against her. Brim got up and looked at Cass.

"I'm not going to hurt your brother, sweetheart. You see your brother is a very important aspect of a plan I've been cooking up since before you were born, and I'd hate it if my plan gets ruined because your brother doesn't want to do what he's destined to do. So no I won't hurt him." Cass began to squeeze brims arm to a point of pain "but I sure as hell will fucking kill anyone and everyone he's ever fucking loved until he comes around" brim began to scream in pain. Kellum stepped forward and instantly the four sisters surrounded him.

"Awh fuck seriously?, okay" Elliot pulled his hands away from the solider and kicked him in the head. Multiple soliders pulled up their guns and began to fire at him but none hit him he made his way to his duffle bag and pulled out his infamous double hand guns and began shooting never missing a shot. Bookworm released him self and pulled out two pouches of demon repellant and threw one at Vivian beging that she was the closest to him. Cass looked up at the sky and noticed that the once blue sky was now becoming dark with a red tone to it. She looked at Kellum who's eyes were glowing a bright orange. Suddenly all the soliders began to raise off the ground and crash back onto the concrete floors repeatedly. Faith ran to attack Kellum but quickly vanished once one of bookworms pouches exploded in her face.

Megan and jade ran up to Kellum throwing punches and kicks. Kellum grabbed Megan's leg and threw her into the building and then starred down jade with his glowing orange eyes.

"Get in the car" Cass demanded pushing brim into the car. She got into the front and quickly sped up.

"Say bye bye to your sister" jade smiled and then vanished. Kellum looked back at the speeding car. He turned around and noticed two vans filled with retreating soldiers about to drive past him. He raised his hand and the two vans blew up before they could even get past him.

"Elliot, his eyes" bookworm said

Kellum turned and began running in the direction of the car. At first he was at a normal speed but before long his agility increased at an alarming pace.

"Well there goes the whole, don't over use your demon magic, speech" Elliot mumbled.

"We have to help him, they have brim" bookworm yelled

"How, Paige has my truck" Elliot responded, bookworm looked over at a pink VW beetle " you know how to hot wire a car right ?" Elliot looked over at the car.

"Oh hell no you're joking..."

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