Chapter 21

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Every time I want to visit Zack, his family is with him. Can't blame them. They did almost lost him.

Every other single time, he's asleep.

Like now.

Zack is the calmest I've seen him. His face is relaxed and his lips are carved as if he's flashing me a tight smile. They took him out of life support yesterday since he could breathe on his own. A sign that the effect of the drug is wearing off. He's good to go in 2 days time.

I can't believe I almost lost you, Zack.

If I lost you, I don't think I would've accepted it. I wouldn't even know how I would react to it. I might become a wailing banshee.

"You clearly had a late night out."

I furrow my brows. I did not had a late night out, okay? I mentally defended myself. 

I let out a long, exaggerated sigh, too lazy to explain.

"Or it's just that you're not a morning person?"

"Uhh, I'm so sorry for my hostility here but, um, who are you?" I manage to question, summoning all my strength, through a very annoyed tone that I couldn't shake off.

"I'm Zack and if you're Madison Simpson, I'm your new room mate."

I smile nostalgically, recalling our first meeting. He was all friendly while I was acting like an unwelcoming bitch. Nice going, Madison.

I roll my eyes, annoyed at my actions back then.

Then, I remember the time when he stared at me, upside down and told me he liked to look at me.That made me feel weird back then but now, at this moment I feel wistful.

"My full name is Zachary Van Burenn. I'm part German and part American. I have 2 brothers, and elder and a younger one. So, I'm basically a middle child. I'm turning 19 at 4th of April. All my life I've been single, Unlike you,"

I tried to stifle a giggle upon recalling that memory. I think he wanted to be someone's boyfriend. He really did. I was still with Josh at that time. 

I frown upon recalling about Josh.

I'll be meeting him later on at the police station. Blondie or Mrs. McCartney wants me to be there. I'll be behind the screen again, watching everything that happens with my own two eyes.

An unexpected tear escape my eyes and I brush it off.

It's all my fault.

Because of me, he's in this state. I hurt everybody that ever cared for me. My love life is like a hurt life. Someone's always gonna get hurt. It's either me or them. No exceptions.

I mean, I nearly lost you, Zack.

More tears run down my cheek, as the ball on my throat start to get profound. The facts finally sink in as I cover my face,bend over, crying.

This. Is. All. My. Fault.

I was wrong, okay? I was 1000% wrong! I can't take care of myself. I darn right can't! 

I need you.

I adore you.

I want you.

I love you.


I straighten up, stunned. Even my tears stopped. The only thing audible was my breathe intake. I could feel my hands shaking.

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