Chapter 15

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I stirred and slowly pry my eyes open, stretching my tight muscles on the bed. It's still raining heavily, judging by the thunderous beating on the roof. If I listen closely, I could barely make out the wind howling.

I realize that I'm not in my room. I jerk back in shock regarding my surroundings. I'm in Mike's room.

I turn to my side and Mike is fast asleep. His eyes shut and his features calmest that I have seen. I can't help but be engulfed in love for this man. I gently brush his face with the back of my palm, affectionately and smile.

His eyes immediately flew open and I felt bad waking him up from his slumber. He pulled me into my arms and tenderly kissed me on my forehead.

"I love you," he says simultaneously tightening his grip on my body.

My eyes well up in tears. He said it and he said it first!

"I love you too," I choke.

"Your knees looks pretty bad. But I cleaned it up for you." he beams, brushing my hair.

I pull away from him, pushing the duvet away from me and inspect my bandaged knee. I must say, he did an exceptional job wrapping it. It's really neat. The bandage is still clean that means I've stop bleeding.

"You tied your napkin to tight around your knee, that's why you wouldn't stop bleeding."

"Thank you," I lie back down on the bed and peck him on the lips.

He flashes me a gorgeous smile and a gymnast start doing somersaults endlessly in my stomach. At the same time, I blushed.

"Sorry 'bout the whole Luke thing. Their whole affair must've scared you off." he muse apologetic, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ears.

"Yeah," I agree, staring at him contently.

"Oh, the girl called Luke, Andrew. Why?" I shudder recalling the heated incident.

"Um..." he scratches the back of his gaze, looking anywhere but my eyes.


Did I say something wrong? Fear started to haunt me.

"Luke's the campus ladies-man. He...sleeps around. He also uses different aliases." he chastise hesitantly, cocking his head as if uncertain whether to share this piece of info to me.

"Oh."  I would love to press him for further facts but I didn't really want to come across nosy. So maybe another time.

"Yeah," the corner of his lips turns down.

I gaze to Luke's bed and it's unmade without the user anywhere in sight. A small wrapper catches my eye and I shudder as I realize it's a condom wrapper.

Abruptly, Mike's phone started to ring. A flash of annoyance was evident in his face as he get up and stretches his toned arms to the dresser to retrieve his phone. 

"Yeah?" he answers, his eyes still on my face.

"Yeah, she's with me."

A small laugh escapes his lips and it's music to my ears. 

"Oh, really?" his eyebrows raised, pointedly.

Who is he talking to? He's clearly talking about me, since I'm with him.

"Nah, it's alright. Yeah, bye." he hangs up.

"Who was that?" I shoot him with a question, straight of the bat.

"Bree. Zack is worried about your whereabouts. Did you two had an argument?"

"Um.." It's my turn now to avert his gaze.

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