Chapter 2

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Zack, I must say is very eccentric. I have never met any one like him. Ever.

However, because he's new and he kind of got into the wrong foot with the popular kids leaves him only me to be his friend. His only friend.

But I guess, that'll soon change 'cause being-the-new-kid thing takes time to wear off. In a week's time, I bet he'll be just like all off us. He's sure to fit in.

Moreover, not only are we room mates, we're class buddies too. Zack took every single class and course I took. So, what I get as paperwork, he gets the same. Though, because he enrolled late, he has more work and projects to do compared to me. But, judging by his enthusiasm, he could finish all of them in a week or so.

"What's up with that pale looking girl with butt-reaching long hair? People are like crowding over her like vultures over a dead decomposing body."  Zack asks, as we finally reach our room.

"That's Nicky. What she wants, she will get. You know, the typical rich spoiled brat. Daughter of some CEO of a huge company, sort of thing. She's like the popular kid here. It's just like high school all over again. There's her, the Popular Clique and there's the rest of us, the Commoners." I respond, sitting on my bed and turning on my laptop.

"You make it sound like she's the Queen of everything when she's not. Those people just crowd over her 'cause they just want to be in the popular clique and not because they want to be her friend. And not to mention that she craves the attention. No, she feeds from it. And me being me, I can't help myself but be honest."

Yes, Zack is one honest fellow. Really honest. He called out Nicky on being a diva drama queen and those people that crowd over her of being popularity wannabees. And that's something you shouldn't do, heck never do.

What he just did is basically asking for a fight. But thank goodness, they just gave him disgusted look and just brush it off. So, lucky Zack.

"I mean, she takes pride in people following her like lap dogs. She drops her books, knowing that someone will definitely pick it up for her. Don't you find that sadistic?"

"Yeah, I guess." I agreed with him.

Yeah, purposely dropping your books and asking people to carry them for you is a bit much. You have your own hands, don't you? Then, use them. 

Zack stretched his arms and lay down on his back  on the bed, staring straight at me upside down. 

For some time, he just stared at me, without citing a single word or making a single sound, which leaves the room echoing from my previous statement. The room is only filled with the sound of the buttons on the keyboard clicking, thanks to me.

It was a nice change, to be honest with you, the solace within the room from the chatter. I could do my thesis in complete utter silence.

But as time goes by, I started to feel awfully uncomfortable under his stare. I felt like everything I did in front of him, under his watchful eyes was being judged. Every single muscle working was being criticized. Soon, self-consciousness took over me.

What if there's something on my face?

Is there something on my hair?

The feeling was like an itch that you want to scratch but you don't want to 'cause you know it will only worsen the itch. Wait, does that even make sense?

I let out a slow but long sigh and turn to look at him, placing the laptop away and giving Zack my full undivided attention.

"Yes, Zack? Is there something on my face?" I quiz him.

"Nah, I just want to look at you. I mean, really look at you." he states, almost whispering,


"Why, I'm not much to look at. And in any case, you'll be seeing my face frequently. We are room mates." I state bluntly, brushing the tendrils of my hair away from my face.

"Yeah, but I just like to look at you." he states with a gorgeous teeth-exposing smile that comes across genuine in my eyes.

Okay... I guess, a thank you should be issued here?

"So, Madison, tell me about yourself." he chime, fairly interested.

"Uh," I hesitate, felling a bit out of sorts, like a fish out of water.

I don't really shed some light on my background to anyone and I don't want to start. Firstly, because I'm a rather private girl. Secondly, It's just, to me, an individual's back story should not be shared as that individual is the only one that has to deal with it, y'know?  So what's the point of sharing it and telling the whole world all about it? Everyone has their own story.

But something in this bloke's eyes is beckoning me to spill the beans, expose the skeletons in my closet and I can't break away from his spell. His deep oceanic blue eyes seem to have like a hidden voice motioning me to tell him all of me, and not leave anything unturned.

"Well, I'm the youngest in my family. I have two elder sisters, Jordyn and Amanda. My favorite colour is purple. My..."

And everything about me just came out like an endless waterfall. I just kept on going and going like a freight train and won't shut up. My favorite song, my aspiration and ambition... everything.

And soon I found myself expressing how much I miss Josh, my family and most of all, home. Tears swelled and couldn't stop pouring and my pillow was damp with my tears. My soft purple cotton pillow that's always been there to soak every single tear.

"I can't say it's alright 'cause it's not. But all I can tell you is I'll be here when you need me. No matter what. I'll be your rock if you need me to be." he states, rather serious.

My eyes widen, hearing his last sentence.

"You'd be my rock?" I cried, softly, staring straight into his eyes.


Did I wish on a shooting star? What I wanted actually came true!

I couldn't help but smile. I extended my arms towards him and gave him a quick hug.

"Thank you, Zack." I manage to say, rather shaky from my downpour.

"Since you've laid it on the table, I shall do the same."

Okay, if you say so. But, on the contrary no one asks you to do this,  I cite, in my head.

"My full name is Zachary Van Burenn. I'm part German and part American. I have 2 brothers, an elder and a younger one. So, I'm basically a middle child. I'm turning 19 at 4th of April. All my life I've been single, Unlike you," he joke.

"Hey!" I shoot him a murderous look.

"But that will soon change. I guess," he smiles, erotically at me, that would just make any girl go weak on her knees. 

But I wasn't really affected by it. I have Josh, haven't I?

Furthermore, what he's saying is true. There are many good catch here. It'll just be about time he catches one.

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