Chapter 18

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For being violent, I got a strong warning from the Dean. One more incident like that, I'm kicked out. So, I have to be really careful from now on and try not to kick someone between the legs -HAHAHAHA-.

But I can't lie that it felt so good to hurt Mike like that. It gave me somewhat of a satisfaction. It felt like payback.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Zack muse, mock frightened.

I laughed, a good tummy rumble. He soon followed suit, going hysterics.

"So, Bree was in it too?" Zack asks, once recovered from our fits.

"Yeah," I didn't held back anything when I told Zack about the revelation. He was shocked and had no idea that Nicky despised me so much. It really caught us off guard.

"I knew she was somewhat twisted in a way. She always had he way in getting the thing she wants. It somewhat made me quite uncomfortable to be around her." Zack, muse thoughtfully.


True, remember the time she talked Zack into going a date with her with all those general questions?

Abruptly, there's a knock on the door.

This time, I offered to take it since the probability of it being Mike is almost none. I turn the door and open it.

"ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?" Bree coos, clearly distraught. Her face is just drenched with tears.


For a moment, I wanted to get to the bottom of her problems. She is my friend, after all. But then, I recalled what that loser told me. Bree had a part in my broken heart. She hates me.

Just like that, my concern for her evaporated and is replaced my disgust and anger.

"Yeah, I'm so happy now, Bree! Thanks to you and your compatriots! I have never felt the happiest in my whole life! I'm free and single!" I told her off, in a sardonic fashion.

For a moment, her lips wavered and her face contorted in confusion.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me, Brianna. You, Mike and Nicky conspired against me to hurt me emotionally. So, how much did Nicky payed you for setting me up for Mike?" I ask, oozing confidence in a sick way.

She pursed her lip in shame. Caught you, you little rat!

"She offered but I refuse. I don't need her money." she pipes, her body language timid and her head bowed down.

For a moment, I felt bad making her feel all down and being a bitch to her. No deserves this treatment, not even Nicky.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly." she apologize, before covering her face to stifle her sobs, all the while strengthening my guilt.

"At least you have your dignity with you by refusing the money. But I can't be around you or talk to you anymore, Bree. Your not my friend anymore and I think you'll never will be. So, the next time I see you, you're a complete stranger to me. I'm not even going to give a thought of mending our friendship. You don't exist in my books." I say, in a much genuine tone. I mean what I say.

With that, she ran away, out of sight, her hand still covering her face.

I sigh and close the door.

"For a second there, I thought you were gonna hit her."Zack chastise.

I narrow my eyes at him. What does that suppose to mean? What happened with Mike is going to be the first and the last of it's kind. I'm not gonna hit or kick someone anymore. I was just driven by pure anger at that time.

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