Chapter 10

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"Seriously, Zack. What's up with you?" I ask for the umpteen time, slightly irritate yet concern.

Ever since Bree set us up with our respective dates, Zack's been out of sorts. He hasn't been talking to me much -only when he needs to- and he's been avoiding eye contact with me. When we accidentally touch, he retracts his hand as if it was on fire.

Which makes me feel doubtful and slightly hurt. Did I say something wrong? Did I do something wrong? Why would he treat me like this?

A ray of hope glimmer as he doesn't respond as how he usually responds- a shake of a head-. He takes a moment and closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. He shook his head, crushing all hope of me ever finding what's been bugging him.

But enough is enough.

I can't keep on bugging him. 

If he doesn't want to talk to me, fine. So be it.

I'll just busy myself on looking decent for this guy, Mike.

I turn away from him and search for my black Hollister surf top. I don't think I'd be changing my shorts. It would match my all black appearance. As usual, no make up and I ran my fingers through my hair. 

After I'm done, I was pretty happy with the way I look. All black and Gothic.

So, it's just a matter of waiting for Bree. With an out of sorts Zack.

I let out an exasperated sigh.

I swiftly glance at Zack and he's still looks disturbed. He's sitting on the side of his bed his elbows resting on his thighs with his eyes closed, as if he's contemplating something. Seriously, what is going through his mind right now?

I approach my bed and flop onto it. landing on my back, oblivious to Zack and his mood swings. I stare at the ceiling, absent-minded.

I wonder how this Mike guy would look like or how he would be like? I hope he's not a narcissist 'cause I really can't stand people like that.

Knock, Knock.

I instinctively and immediately got off my bed and answer it before Zack could even stand up.

"Hey, so are you all set?" Bree ask, her face beaming with delight. She's wearing a red jumpsuit and has her hair tied up to a ponytail.

"Yeah," I answer, in awe by her appearance.

"Come on, then follow me."

I turn to beckon Zack but my heart almost burst out of my chest. Zack was already standing directly behind me and I could just feel his body seething. I take some deep breathes to recover from the shock before following Bree.


"Madison, this is Mike." Bree turns to Mike. "Mike, Madison."

He stretches his hand and I shook it, with a friendly smile. He smiles back with a gorgeous smile.

First impression wise, he's handsome. He has strong features, with those thick eyebrows and he's quite muscular judging by his frame. He's wearing a buttoned down tailored vest with a pair of trouser-style dark jeans. I can't lie, he looks oh-so hot.

Someone clearly knows how to dress.

"So, you two have fun. While Zack and I have our own fun." Bree states, hugging Zack's arm affectionately.

"Why aren't we staying?" Zack asks, edgily and alarmed, much to my surprise.

Why is he getting all wrapped up?

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