Chapter 14

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I'm still shuddering from the Luke/Andrew- Nicole fiasco.

That was really crazy.

I made my way to my room, preparing myself for the unwelcoming air and the two happy couple. Whopdeedo. But what awaited me in my used-to-be-comfortable room was a sulking Zack, his arms folded in his chest and his face masked anger. Bree is no where in sight.

"That was really uncalled for, Madison, sleeping in with him." he chastise, deadly calm.

I clench my jaw and balled up my fist, seething. 

Who is he to control me? I know what I'm doing and I can darn right take care of myself!

"Are you pulling my leg here, Zack? You're not my mother! If I choose to sleep in with him, then it's my choice. Why should you care?" I bite back, restraining myself from screaming at him.

"I care because I'm your friend. I don't want you to get hurt." he adds, talking a step closer, rendering me to step back.

"Did you know how hard it is for me to see you cry your eyeballs out?" he approaches and I move back.

"Did you know how hard it is to see you all broken like that?" he states, his voice rising a notch.

I continued on backing away as he proceed until my back was fully against the wall and I have no where to move.

"DID YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS??!" In a sudden, violent rage he punches the wall and I jump back in shock.

He look directly at me and for some odd reason, he reminded me of Josh. 

Not loving, nice Josh.

But the Josh who made me cry when I didn't bought him a good enough present for our anniversary. The Josh who got angry that I stood him up. The Josh that ended our relationship when I didn't even do anything wrong.

"Do you?" he leans, whispering menacingly.

I turn my head away, my heart hammering against my chest as I try to push Josh out of my mind.

He backs away swiftly and walks away, his back facing against me.


I wanted to but I couldn't. My feet were rooted to the spot although my hands were shaking manically.

Zack pinches the bridge at his nose, his body language laced with frustration.


I didn't catch what we was going to say as I just bolted away. I ran as fast my legs could take me to somewhere, anywhere for that matter, as long as it's a far away place from that room.

Everyone, everything whizzed past through me in a blur, either because I'm running too fast or because they're walking to slow. But I don't think it's because of the latter.


My feet hit on something and abruptly I just seem to lose my balance and stumble before falling knee first.

Thank goodness there's no one here.

I found myself right in the East Wing of the campus just out of view of the Cafe. The sun beats down on top of my head and I wished that I was wearing a cap or a hat. 

Sweat begin to trickle on my forehead and my back as the heat of the surrounding finally get to me. I could feel my heart beating like crazy and my ragged breathing exercises.

Finally, the pain hit me.

I brought my injured knee closer and inspect the damage.


Against All OddsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon