Chapter 17

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Due to my crying episode, neither Zack or I barely got our sleep. I cried almost the whole night only to ran out of tears in the the late hours of morning. 

Zack is still asleep but I couldn't bring myself to slumber after only managing to get at least 2 full hours of sleep despite waking up from time to time.

My eyes stings and I can barely open them wide 'cause they're so puffy.They must dehydrated and tired. My nose is red and snotty. I feel like a mess and I don't need a mirror to confirm how I look. I just know it.

Now all you got to do is break her heart until it's beyond repair.

Which he already did. He already broke my heart. Which means, he succeeded in his task. 

But, I am not gonna let him get his reward. Over my dead body, he'll get those 400$. He shouldn't be the one celebrating when I'm suffering like this. No way in hell!

"Mmmmm," Zack moans, groggily.

I really do feel stupid. I should've listened to Zack. He's my rock after all, right? But there's no use crying over spilled milk. It's already happened and there's no such thing as a time travelling machine. All that really matters now is how I move on from this. How I need to pick up the pieces of my heart and mend them back together.

I let out a slow, exaggerated sigh.

Thank goodness there's no lecture today. 

I could see my phone vibrating from the desk, as the screen glowed profusely with incoming notifications. I placed it on silent last night after all the noise it was making. I know they're just text or calls from that prick. 

Absent-mindedly, I took my phone wondering how many calls and text he's been sending. There must be tons!

35 missed calls, 20 voice mails, 11 text messages.

I'm in awe. 35 missed calls? He called me 35 times? Talk about wanting that 400$ so bad.

I deleted every single voice mail that I received, without even wanting to listen to what it was all about. I feel almost content about it.

10 of those messages that were also from him never saw the light of day. I deleted all of them without a glance. Yeah, I do feel happy that I didn't give him a chance to plead his case. I know, it's twisted but hey, who cares?  I got one message from Josh though.

Hey, if you need me, I'm all open. XX

He added 2 X's! Interesting. I may take him up on that offer one day.

"Hey, you alright?" 

"Shit! Zack, you scared the living daylights out of me." I bite, clutching my chest, out of breath, returning my phone back to the desk. 

"Sorry, but are you feeling much better?" he added, firmly.

"A bit." I state, over my shoulder.


"Madison, I... want you to know that no matter what I'll be here for you. No matter what circumstances. After all, I am-"

"-my rock. I know, Zack. Thank you." I genuinely said that.

"So, is there anything  I can do for you?" he offered, friendly.

"If you would beat the pulp out of Mike, that would be nice." I joke.

"Sure, let me kick his ass and kick him between the legs."

"Hey! I want to do that!" I chastise, playfully.

Against All OddsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang