Chapter 16

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I guess I'm going to meet my ex.

I opted to wear a plain white tee with my famous black shorts paired with some plain old sneakers. My hair is damp and as much as I want to make an effort in looking decent for Josh, I don't want to. So, my hair is messiest as it's ever been. 

But who cares?

I don't really mind if people stare at my knees. I'll be damned to wear leggings or skinnys. Those things are just aren't my things. If I was to wear leggings or skinnys, it would only show the bulk of my knee.

Maybe, some other time. Or not.

This time, I left a note on my whereabouts so that I wont be facing any Spanish Inquisition later. I leave my phone to charge, so I am truly well out of contact.


I kicked myself for not wearing a jacket. It's damn cold out here. I'm practically shivering. It must be from the cold after the rain. Thank goodness, the bar is just there, looming from my sight.

The sounds of the bar hits me first before the place. I could hear the clink of glasses, laughter and the jukebox blaring a song.

Finally, something warm. I could die of coldness any time now.

Josh spots me before I could even enter the bar. He's wearing a black jacket with a shirt inside paired up with brown chinos. His hair is dishevelled, just the way I used to like. He  looks attractive but I don't feel anything towards him. Not even hate or anger.

"Glad you could make it." he beams.

"Cut it out. What's this about Mike?" I say, staring directly in his piercing blue oceans.

"Talk about straight to the point. You're speaking to me as if I'm a stranger. What's gotten into you?" he muse, playfully.

"I'm not here to have small chat with you, Josh. What's this about Mike?" I retort, firmly, running my hand through my damp hair slightly irate.

"It's better for you to see it for yourself. Come with me." he says solemnly, before walking away and I follow him behind. My heart thudding 1000 beats per second. A sense of foreboding washes over me.

I didn't really struggle much to follow Josh's speed. He occasionally slow down if he think I'm too far away from him. At least he has the grace to keep his distance from me.

I realize, by the surroundings, that he's leading me to the cafe.

As the cafe looms into view, Josh stop to his tracks and lead me behind a bush a few yards from the cafe's transparent walls. We crouched down and instantly I feel like a kid spying at grown ups.


"Shhhh," he silence me.

He parts some branches away to give me a view of the insides of the cafe.

"Do you see Nicky in there?" he muse.

"What are you-"

"Just look for her, Madison!" he whispers loudly.

I shrug and scan every faces that's present in the cafe, scrutinizing every detail. I spot some brunettes but none of them seem to fit Nicky's persona.

"I don't see her."

"She's wearing a black top with faded blue skinnys,"

I scan once more and finally with that description I spot her, her back facing me her hands illustrating her point. Clearly she's talking to someone. But who?  The foreboding feeling seems to be grow in my chest as my heart threatens to explode out of my chest.

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