Chapter 23

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I know it's vain of me to say this but I just have to get my point across.

This is my favorite chapter amongst all in this story. I was getting teary by the end of this chapter. I really LOVE this chapter! I really tried my very best to make it the way it is. Although, I'm really sorry for the grammar errors. Those are definitely my weakness.

I really hope you guys love it like how I am in love with this chapter.

Enjoy! :')


Things has really taken a dive for the worst.

Ever since Zack stayed away from me, my mind has been constantly thinking about him. I literally can't stop thinking of him. It's even worse than before. My feelings for him has doubled in intensity since then. Now all I could ever think about is the possibility of us (Zack and I) working out. The probability of that happening isn't slim. In fact, it stands a chance. But still, I think of this whole issue a lot now. It's like my mind is hay-wired to think of us whenever I have a second to spare.

But, a part of me is holding back.

I'm frightened of this new found love. -Yes, I've acknowledge it- I've been hurt twice in two different awful ways. I don't want to end up broken and fragmented as how my previous relationships end. I don't want to be crying my eyeballs out. I've been there too many times and I don't want to go there. Ever.

But, things between Zack and I could work.

After all, he's been through every hurdle I had to go through. He kept his word when he said he would be my rock. And he darn right delivered. In both of those crying episode, he was the one who help me to pick up the pieces and mend them all back together.

He couldn't be the next one to break it, right?

"Oh, Madison. Why did you had to ask him to keep his distance?" Hollie coos, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I thought I could forget about my feelings for him."

"Instead, you made it stronger."

"Hollie, I'm so torn. The possibility of us working out is not impossible, but the possibility of my heart getting broken for the third time is also not far from possible. As they say, third time's a strike."

"Yes, but there's also a saying that goes, 'Third time's a charm."

I sigh, far from content.

"Madison, in times like these, you just got to go with your heart. Don't over-think this whole issue. You are currently analyzing this whole issue which I don't think will get you anywhere. But if you go with your instinct, gut and heart you'd make the right decision."

I bit my lip, hesitantly and evidently on edge.

Go with my instinct, gut and heart?


I wonder where Zack is...

It's been hours since I saw him and days since I've talked to him.

To kill the vast amount of time that was used to be spent having fun with Zack, I've been updating my newly revived Tumblr blog. I had it made when I was 14 but soon abandon it when I started to go with Josh. I used to post so much things back then but now it's totally stagnant.

However, since I've been posting photos and quotes, I've gained some followers. What really cracked me up, is what I used to post when I was a young adolescent. How silly!

Against All OddsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang