Just a Passing face (song)

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You don't know me,

I'm just another passing face

You wouldn't care to chase.

You don't hear me when I call,

Invisible to all.

I'm often overlooked,

Your killing me yet I'm hooked.

Consider me the empty desk at the back of room

Consider me the flower that will never bloom

I'm nothing more than a passing face you wouldn't chase,

Call me crazy for chasing a dream,

Call me stupid for wanting to be seen.

I'm tired of living in the shadows of the world

I don't want to be just another lonely girl.

The mirror is most girl's enemy,

But is there something wrong with loving me for me?

It's harder to stay strong

I'm trying to reach you in a song

You still don't hear me, Still don't care

I don't want to be compared

I can hear them...

Your nothing but a passing face, he wouldn't care to chase.

Go ahead tell me things I already know

Mock me, hurt me when I'm at the lowest of my lows

Point out my flaws, expect me to overlook yours,

I try so hard but they always want more.

So what if I was a passing face

He wouldn't care to chase?

Don't be insecure, remember?

I'm just a passing face,

I'll shatter like a glass vase

You toy with me to no end

My heart is caving in

I don't think you know what you've done to me

My heart is torn so uncomfortably

At times I feel like a passing face,

That no one would care to chase,

But I realize I'm worth more

Standing tall is no longer chore.

I feel alright,

despite my lonely days

I gonna make it through this maze

I am not a passing face,

I mean something to this world

I'm proving that I'm no longer that lonely girl.

A/N: well another upload ;) you likey? I hope so, this is the first song I've tried to write so I hope it's not that bad ;) my friend wrote a song and she let me use it for a project, so I kinda rewrote it and made it my own :) so if ur gonna give her credit give it to her! She's! Awesome! Maybe I might sing it and post it on youtube? No I suck at singing :( as I do dancing ;) hehe but I'm gonna dance like nobody is gonna put it on YouTube!!! Speaking of youtube gocheck out me and my friends YouTube account ILykePy!!!! ;)

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