Chapter 7 - The future

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you" he apologized.

"It's fine."

"I got you clothing for yourself and your babies, as well as a few foodstuff. Everything's pack" he said.


"Yes" He smiled.

"Thank much" I hugged him, he returned the gesture.

"I'll check in on you, if you need anything just call" he smiled and left the apartment. I walked towards my babies and picked them up one by one, placing them on the sofa securely. I looked at them and sighed. They all look like him.

5 months later

"Thank you so much Henry"

"It's no problem, I love watching them for you" he smiled.

"I'll try not to be long" I assured him.

"Take as long as you want" he insisted.

I exited the apartment and began to walk down the street. Today I'm looking for another job after being denied one each time. Henry had been a great help but I don't want him to think I'm depending on him.

I entered the newly opened bakery a few blocks down from the apartment building. The jingle sound of a bell entered my ears from the door opening. An elderly woman was behind the counter and the bakery had a few people sitting eating pastries and drinking coffee. I walked towards the counter and she smiled at me.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"Hello, I'm looking for a job."

She looked at me curiously. "You're new here?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am"

She hummed in response. "Go sit over there" She pointed to a seat in the corner of the bakery. I walked to the table and sat on the chair waiting.

"Here. Eat this" She placed piece of pie and a small bottle of milk. I thanked her and began to eat the pie. "Drink the milk dear" she instructed. I shook my head. "If it's okay, I'm carrying it to my apartment for my kids"

"How many kids do you have?" She asked me.

"I have four baby boys" I smiled. "I mean, three"

"What's their age?"

"5 months" I bit my lip.

"I have a question, is that okay?" She asked and I nodded. "You're a wolf, right?" I nodded again. "Don't worry, I'm also one. Your smell is pretty strong so it's obvious. You can start tomorrow. You can bring your little ones if you don't have someone to look after them"

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