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We ran down to the hill to the lake and found Lucian standing next to a boat, talking to a man. I could hear Jax screaming but I couldn't see him. I began panicking. I started walking down but Ragnar stopped me.

"What do you think you're going? You're staying here."

"Like hell. That's my son." I was not staying behind, not a chance in hell.

"Mavis, you're hurt." He yelled. "I can't risk your life on this one. I'm sorry, you're staying here." I looked down at Lucian and realized we really didn't have time to argue.

"Fine, but the first sign of trouble..."

"You're still going to stay here." He said before kissing my forehead and running down the to the lake. I sat down against a tree and let out a groan. Partly out of frustration, partly out of pain. The bullet may have only grazed me but it still hurt like hell. I wish I had something to stop the bleeding but everything was in the car. I didn't have time to run back up the hill, run across the field, to the car and back before anything could happen. I had to stay and wait it out and pray I didn't bleed to death.

I looked over to see what was going on and saw Ragnar and Alex fighting Lucian. He seemed like no big deal but I could no longer hear the cries of my son. I looked around and saw the boat pulling away. I acted. I didn't think, I just ran back up the path, passed the cave and up to the sidewalk. I started down towards the water and started climbing over the huge stones the city placed to protect the land from erosion.

I scraped my hip against the rock and tried to breathe through the pain as I looked out at the water and panicked when I saw the man pulling away with Jax. No. I stood up and jumped in the water. Being that it was only the middle of June, the water was still kind of cold. I tried to swim but the pain in my hip made it next to impossible. Finally, I just pushed the pain from my mind and let the adrenaline take over. I began swimming towards the boat and got close when someone suddenly grabbed my foot and started pulling me under the water.

When I resurfaced, I tried my best to yell for help but the of second I surfaced, I was pulled back under. I started fighting against whoever had me and came back up. This time, when I came back up, instead of trying to get help, I took a deep breath. I was pulled back under and I again started fighting. I had to keep fighting. I had to get to that boat and save my son.

My lungs were on fire and my limbs were getting tired as I continued to fight off my attacker. I was able to break the surface but not nearly as long as I needed too so I wasn't getting a lot of oxygen. I was getting light-headed and dizzy and I just wanted this to end so I could get to Jax.

I came too on the sidewalk, cold now that the sun had gone down. My clothes were still wet and they clung to my skin like ice. I sat up and I realized I was in pain and disoriented. I couldn't remember where I was or why I was even there.

"It's about time you woke up. I only saved your ass three hours ago." I looked up to see Jefferson standing by the edge, looking out on to the Cleveland skyline. Three hours? No, Jax!

"Where is my son?" I yelled. He turned and started walking towards me.

"When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours? Jax was never your son, Mavis. You were just the missing piece my brother needed. A means to an end, if you will. But you will never have anything to do with my nephew ever again. And neither will that trader boyfriend of yours." Jax was gone. I knew that for sure now. Lucian had sent him away and I will never see him again. My son is gone.

I jumped up and started hitting him but he was quick to defend himself. He slapped me across the face and before I could recover, he punched my right hip. I screamed out as the white-hot pain seared its way through my body. I collapsed to the ground and looked under my shirt to see that it had started bleeding again.

Running with the Monster's Child :.Book 2 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now