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The only man who can really put fear into my heart is Lucian. Now that he was standing in front of me with my son in his arms, it truly terrified me. Tears filled my eyes as I stood up and handed one of the boys to Ragnar. Jax was scared and he wanted me more than anyone in the room. I could see that but Lucian made no move to to give him to me. I suddenly yanked on my chain and charged him. The chain surprisingly got me pretty far but stopped when I was just within reach of Jax. 

"Did you honestly think you'd get very far?" He asked as Jax started reaching for me. It broke my heart to see him like this and I am helpless to save him. I just glared at Lucian and that's when I realized he was different. He was taller, he was human. 

"Well, I got this far didn't I? And I would have gotten a lot further is Jefferson hadn't intervened." Lucian started laughing. I took a step back so I wasn't so close. I kept my eyes on Jax though. He is not leaving here with my son. 

"You only got this far because I let you get this far, human. This is my son, you were never going to raise him, I'd never let that happen." Then it hit me. 

"You never wanted Jax. He was never yours. Or mine. Ross wanted him. No, Jax is my son and you're not going to touch him. Neither of you are going to have any say, he's mine." That earned me a good slap to the face and the impact threw me to the floor. l landed wrong on my arm and sprained it. l looked up at Lucian and could see why some one could easily follow him, he was defiantly handsome with golden brown eyes and short brown hair. The muscles in his arms and chest threatened to rip through his shirt as he held Jax. 

"He was never yours, Mavis. We only gave you that illusion." He turned to walk away and I shot up to stop him but he was too far away. He was leaving.  He was leaving with Jax. He was taking Jax away from me. No, he can't. I'm his mother. He's nothing to that little boy. I could hear Jax screaming for me to save him but I couldn't. 

"Lucian, no! Give me back my son! Damn it, Lucian no!" I yelled out. I felt my knees give as Jax's cries could be heard getting further and further away. This wasn't happening. No, not my son. Not Jax. Haven't I lost enough?

I never heard Ragnar walk over so I jumped when he put his arms around me but leaned against his chest and sobbed as sat together. I felt as if a hole was punched through my heart and there was no way to fix it. 

"Mavis, baby we will get him back. I promise you we will get Jax back. I promise. We just need to get out of here." I sat up and wiped my face. I looked up at him but I couldn't see through my tears. 

"He's never going to let me near him again, Ragnar. I'm never going to see my son again.  Jax is gone. I have nothing left. I have nothing to fight for. If he's going to kill me, let him because I don't care anymore."

"Hey!" Ragnar yelled. "I don't ever want to hear you talk like this. Do you understand? You have plenty to fight for. You have us and your parents and even Alex and the baby when all is said and done. And, hey and you have me but you don't have nothing. Not to mention that sweet little boy who is with the man he doesn't know. Who may hurt him. We need to go. Now."

After Ragnar finished yelling at me, he started figuring out how to bust us out. I just sat with the boys, holding me arm as he went to get his shackles off. He tried everything, he even tried to pull his arm through but I stopped him when his wrist started to bleed. I picked through my hair and managed to find a bobby pin holding some hair back. I walked over and started to pick at the lock on his wrist, soon it just popped open.

Running with the Monster's Child :.Book 2 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now