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It took a while for me to get back on my feet but once I did, it didn't take us long to leave town. My son was the only thing that mattered and it didn't take long for Lucian, my Delfunie owner and my son's father, to send his men after us.

My friend and leader of our Invasion Survivor Support Group, Ross told me about a place that was safe from Delfunies.

Delfunies are creatures that were once man but were failed human test subjects. They quickly multiplied and took over the world. My husband David and so many others died as a result of the invasion.

Now we have left our home in Cleveland Ohio to find a place where we will finally be safe from the horror that has plagued my town for far too long.

We have been on the run for three weeks and we have made little progress to out destination. I looked over at Ragnar who was once a Delfunie himself look only forward as he helped guide me through the wilderness. Because of Lucian I have lost much of my sight and can only see colorful blurs.

I held my one month old son, Jax in my arms as we walked. We had a van but we ran out of gas and we're on a gas run. Ross thought that it would be best that if any Delfunie found the van while it was still stranded, it'd be best if I wasn't in it.

So we left Richard, our only human doctor, and Alex a widower with an infant of his own back at the van. Alex was married to one of my best friends, Jaime but she died giving birth to their daughter, Maia just a month before I gave birth to Jax.

"Hold on guys. I need to rest for a minute." I said, sitting on a rock, handing Jax to Ragnar. It was still painful at times after the beating I took from Lucian the last time I saw him. He threw me down a flight of stairs, threw me against a counter and then threw me across a room while resulted in falling down even more stairs.

"I hate to be a douch here but it's best you make it quick, we need to keep moving if we want to make it back to the car before dark." Ross said. Ragnar just glared at him.

"After everything she's been throught, she needs to rest. I saw the sign back there. It's not even a mile to the next gas station, why don't you walk up, and we'll stay here. That way we don't wear her out." He suggested. Ross and Ragnar didn't get along from the moment they met. After Richard said I was going to be fine, they were at each others throats.

"Seriosuly? Are you freaking kidding me? Mavis you realize he is one of the reasons you're in this mess to begin with? If it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have that thing and..."

"Hey! Don't talk about the baby like that. He isn't a thing. You understand? Jax is her son and you will respect that." Ragnar quickly defended. Ross just got in his face after that.

"You brought that baby into my house and you tell me that I have to respect it? I don't think so. I am sorry that you are offended that I hate your kind but your kind killed my entire family. All I have left is my little sister. So I don't think I'll be respecting that thing anymore."

"I didn't say you had to respect him. Just the fact that Mavis is his mother and she loves him. So I don't ever want to hear you disrespecting him in her presence. And I am not a Delfunie anymore and honestly, I hate them too. I had a family before all this started and I lost my wife and my children and my parents and my siblings. So keep your mouth shut."

Running with the Monster's Child :.Book 2 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora