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Everything was a little fuzzy when I opened my eyes. Ragnar was standing above me, worry and fear filled his beautiful green eyes. I tried to stand but he held me down. I was confused when I looked at my hands and saw normal human hands. I smiled as I touched my teeth, my normal human teeth..

"Ragnar?" He smiled and helped me sit up.

"Mavis, you've been out for three days. I had no idea if you were..." He stopped before he finished the sentence I already new the end to. He thought I was dead. I just wrapped my arms around his neck and let the tears escape my eyes. I was just so happy to be human again.

"I love you, Ragnar." I suddenly said. He let go and pulled away, unsure about what I just said to him. I just nodded once as he wiped my tears away.

"I love you too, Mavis."

Once everything calmed down, Ragnar had me sitting in the van. I finally got to hold my son. I haven't held him for days and I missed him. Ragnar sat with us and we just laughed a played like nothing had happened. Jax made a loud laugh and I just laughed. It was good to be back.

"Ragnar, I have my sight back. I can see everything. Even you." I said as Jax played with the string of my hoodie. He grew some more. He isn't the size of a normal two month old, he was bigger. I looked outside to see Essy sitting by a fire. She was a year old and she looked like a grown adult. I hoped that didn't happen to Jax. I handed him to Ragnar and climbed out of the van.

"I'll be right back. I want to talk to Essy for a minute." He looked reluctant to let me go but eventually he did and I went to sit next to her. She looked afraid of me.

"I'm really, really sorry, Mavis. I should not have done that. Please don't be mad at me." I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Essy, I'm not mad. I know it was an accident. Don't worry." She stiffened and pulled away from me. I looked at her as she stood up. She didn't tower over me, she barely went over my head as her brown eyes looked at me.

"Mavis, it wasn't an accident. I was supposed to bite you. But at the last minute, I backed down. I mean, he didn't tell me you were my mother. He just wanted me to change you. But I couldn't. And then you scared me and I did it. I feel horrible. I'm so sorry, Mavis. Please, believe me." She explained. I stood up and let this information form in my brain.

"Does Ragnar know this?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No, he told me to keep that to myself." I nodded. I was suddenly confused, though.

"Wait, who's 'he'?" She began stuttering and I realized she was afraid to tell me. I let it go and shook my head. "I just want to ask you one question. After you changed, how long did it take you to age to this point?" I asked. She sat back down and laughed.

"About six months. But I'm different. I was born human and changed without being bitten. There are about thirty of us like this in our area alone. We have no idea how many there really are." I nodded. She defiantly was different.

"Do any of you remember your parent's names?" She nodded. "Do you know if one of you had parents named Jaime and Alex Meyer?" She thought for a minute and finally looked at me.

"Maybe. There's a boy, his name's Jenner. He said that he had a father named Alex but I'm unsure about the mother." I nodded and went back to the van to see Ragnar leaning against the side with his legs stretched across the bench seat. Jax was asleep on his chest. His eyes were closed until I climbed inside. He opened them and smiled.

"That's a good look for you. What should we call you? Uncle Ragnar?" I said, sitting on the seat. "I remember what you said to me before. About wanting to be his father but you couldn't. If you want to, do it. I want you too. You want to, he sees you that way. There's nothing stopping you." I explained. I know he didn't like to talk about the subject but I needed an answer.

Running with the Monster's Child :.Book 2 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now