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We drove for about a mile before anyone said anything.

"Mavis, do you want to head back to Cleveland? Maybe look back at the house?" Ragnar had asked me. I looked down at my hands as I picked at my nails. I didn't say anything at first, I just sighed. That seemed to worry him. "Mavis?"

"I think we need to turn back. We left Alex back there with the baby. I don't want them there alone with Ross. He may hurt them." Ragnar didn't speak, he just turned the car around and we made our way back.

When we got to the campsite, the van was gone but Alex wasn't. He was sitting on the ground with the baby. I jumped out of the car and ran to him. I first made sure they were both okay before asking what happened.

"Is what you said about Ross true?" He asked. I just nodded. "I told him I wasn't riding with them anymore. I couldn't, not after what happened with Jaime and our son. I couldn't." I just grabbed the baby from him and I helped him to the car.

"We can't stay here, come on." He pulled away from me and Ragnar stood in between us just in case he tried to hurt me, which I knew he wouldn't.

"I know where Lucian is taking your son. I heard him tell Ross. He said something about a boat, a boat leaving a park. I think he said Lakewood Park." I froze, Lakewood Park? We didn't have much time. I pulled on Ragnar's jacket as Alex took Maia back and headed for the car.

"We have to go back to Cleveland. Lakewood is a town right outside of there. I've been to that park with David." He nodded and we jumped in the car.

We made it out of Kansas within an hour and made it halfway through Montana before dawn and we finally had to stop for gas. I stay with the kids while Ragnar pumped and Alex got snacks and paid. I was more determined than ever to get my son back. He was scared and alone and I prayed Lucian wasn't hurting him. Ragnar jumped back in the car and he looked at me.


"I already lost Daisy, twice. I can't lose Jax. I just can't. I don't think I can handle it." He placed his hand on my cheek and I just closed my eyes and leaned into it. I felt fresh tears fall and he wiped them away. "I need my son." I said, my voice breaking. Alex jumped in and Ragnar took his hand away.

"Our son." I looked at him, too shock to speak. Did he just? I was finally about to speak when Emilee spoke up for me.

"Daddy, I thought you said Jax wasn't yours." She said. Ragnar didn't hesitate as he put the car in drive.

"He is now." He then sped off.

A few hours later, we were in Kentucky, Alex and Ragnar switched out so we could keep driving. Ragnar was sleeping in the back with his kids. I woke up to see Alex had pulled over and he was feeding Maia.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I would have done that for you." I asked, stretching. He smiled, handing me the baby before driving off.

"I didn't want to wake you up, you needed sleep." He answered. I nodded as I looked down at Maia, sleeping while still holding her bottle. I took a deep breath.

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if the Delfunies never attacked? What would you be doing right now?" I asked as he changed lanes.

"I'd be with Jaime, feeding Maia, taking care of our son because he didn't die in the first place. I'd have my entire family with me, Mavis. We'd still be living in our home together." He explained. I couldn't help but feel bad. He literally lost everyone and everything outside of Maia. "What about you, Mavis? What would you be doing right now?" He suddenly asked. I looked back at Ragnar and sighed.

Running with the Monster's Child :.Book 2 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now