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It's been three days and Ragnar has already had two blood transfusions and Essy never woke up. We don't know why but she is truly dead now and is never waking up human. The only theory we have to go on is that she's different, because she was neither born nor bitten so she can't be human. Alex made sure Jax was alright while I rode in the trunk with Ragnar. He never left my side so I'm not leaving his.

"Mavis, I have to give him another transfusion, but that's all we can afford to use. After this, if he doesn't wake up, there isn't much more I can do. I'm sorry." Richard explained. I just nodded. I haven't spoken to anyone since we realized Daisy was dead. I'm don't losing the people I love. I cant lose anyone else

Once Richard was finished, I leaned against the back seat, holding Ragnar's hand. I pulled my knees up and rested my head. U was getting a headache from the lack of sleep and all the crying from the last three days. There was basically no hope for Ragnar and everyone wanted me to accept that but I just couldn't.

I picked my head up when I heard someone walk back. I looked up to see Alex holding Jax.

"Someone missed you." I took my son from him and sat him in my lap. I leaned my head back and let fresh tears fall. "How are you holding up?" He asked me. How was I holding up? How am I holding up? Did he really just ask me that?

"Well, my daughter is now really dead, the man I love is laying in a coma in the back of a freaking van and may die, and I'm completely useless to help anyone. I'm too much of a wreak to take care of my own son." I answered. He gave me a small smile and looked at Ragnar.

"I remember that feeling. After Maia was born and Jaime went into her coma, I didn't know  what to do. The Delfunie I lived with took care of Maia while I was at the hospital. I was just as helpless as you feel now. Then she died and I didn't have a clue on  how I was going to raise my daughter without Jaime. I mean, the other day with the teething thing, I had no clue what was going on and Jaime would have figured it out the moment it started.

"What I'm trying to say, Mavis is that whether or not he wakes up, you two are going to be fine. I promise."

"Maybe. But he just needs to wake up so I don't have to find out. He can't die on me now. Not after everything we've been  through. He can't die. He just can't." I started sobbing uncontrollably. Alex moved over and just held me until I fell asleep.

I woke up, hoping Ragnar was awake but he wasn't. Alex was taken Jax back to his car seat and I was alone, at least that's how I felt. Completely alone. I want, no I need Ragnar to wake up already. I can't keep Jax safe from Lucian without him. I just can't.

"Pulling over for gas. Everyone stay down. There's Delfunie everywhere." Ross yelled as he pulled over. Can't believe that this is my life. On the run from monsters, one of them being my son's father. You'd think with me having been one, I'd hate them less but I don't. If anything, I hate them even more. They did this to me and my family. It's their fault this keeps happening to me.

I laid down next to Ragnar, careful not to bump his IV and waited for the rest to finish what they were doing so we could leave. I just wanted to be where we were going so we could help Ragnar properly. He needed more than we are to give him here. He needs a hospital. I was scared to death that we are going to lose him.

"Don't you dare die on me. Do you understand me? You are not allowed to give up. Jax and I, we need you. And your kids. We can't find them if you don't wake up. So you have to wake up, Ragnar. Please wake up." I whispered as I lay there but nothing changed. He still did wake up.

I could feel his heartbeat and it was steady but it was a little fast. His body was fighting very hard to stay alive. His breathing was a little shaky at times but at least he was breathing on his own. That was hope enough for me that he was going to wake up.

Running with the Monster's Child :.Book 2 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now