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I waited in the van for Ragnar to finish talking with the lady. Turns out, after the invasion, none of the orphaned children were changed but put in foster homes until a family member came to claim them or they became an adult and then were changed or put into Delfunie servitude. Jefferson came here very early this morning and claimed to be the uncles of Ragnar's two sons. Now we just need to figure out where they went so we can get them back. Ragnar came back, tears filling his eyes.

"He gave her a phone number. She called it and he gave her an address. You guys go ahead. I'll meet you there." I stopped him from closing the door.

"Ragnar wait, I can't let you leave. Not when every Delfunie in the country is looking for you. You'll never get there." I argued. He took my hand and pulled me out of the van.

"Mavis, I love you but I need you to stay here with the kids. Please. I will catch up to you. I promise." I shook my head. I didn't like this plan.

"No, you can't go by yourself. You're still not strong enough, Ragnar. What if its a trap? You'll never be able to defend yourself. You'll die. No, I'm going with you." He still stopped me.

"All the more reason for you to stay here. What will happen to the kids, Mavis? Those guys may take mine but what about Jax? They won't keep him here and then Lucian will take him. That's everything we've fought for since we got in the car, Mavis. You have to stay here with them."

"No, I can't lose you. I already lost you once, I can't go through that again." I said. My eyes began to fill with tears, my vision blurred and throat closed. I can't let him leave, I just can't.

"Please don't fight me on this. I can't lose you either, Mavis. I can't."

"Fine, we'll stay in town. We'll stay here for three days and if you don't come back..."

"You'll leave town." I felt my heart drop as I realized this may be the last time I ever see him. I pulled him to me and I kissed him with everything I had in me. I didn't want to let him go but I knew I had too. he had to save his boys. When I finally broke the kiss, I saw that he had tears falling down his cheeks, wetting his unshaven face.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you." I replied. I stayed where I was as he said goodbye to the kids and I felt my heart break as he kissed my forehead. I put my hands in my pockets and found the phone Ross had handed me over a month ago.

"Ragnar, wait." I yelled as he started to walk away. I ran to him and hand him the cell phone. "Here, take this. Its the one Ross gave me. Its unmonitored. Call us when you get there. That way I'll know." He nodded and took it from me. Then he was gone.

I climbed back in the van and sat on the bench seat. No one moved and no one said anything. Finally I wiped my face and stood up.

"Alright, we go back to where we camped last night. Give me a minute. I'll be right back." I got out of the van and ran up to the house. I knocked on the door and the lady came to open it.

"Hi. I'm sorry but where did you send my husband?" I asked as polite as I could. She gave me the address and I ran back to the van. I sat in the back with the kids and waited as Alex drove back to the camp.

I did as I promised. Well, somewhat. I waited a day after he called telling me he had made it and I was on my way. Alex promised when I pulled him aside that he would make sure all three kids were safe.

"I swear I won't let anything happen to any one of those kids, not even Jax. I swear." He said before I walked away. I knew the way thanks to Richard who showed me on a map. I knew it would take me a good two hours to get there so I tried to pick up the pace a little. I wasn't about to lose Ragnar. Not like this. It wasn't going to happen.

Running with the Monster's Child :.Book 2 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now