Chapter 24-Christmas with the Aravins

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N/A; Since Erin Aravin is the twin of Esmeralda, I figured I'd just make him sort of the gender-bend version of Esme.

Es P.O.V

Things have been awesome at my house, Angel and Nicole came in yesterday night, and then we all had a big dinner together. Stephen was getting along perfectly with my family since he already knew my sisters. After dinner, we had gone to sleep. Since Erin loves to help decorate for Christmas so we're just waiting for him to come home to decorate, which he should be doing early in the morning.

Stephen had fallen asleep right next to me in my bed while Angel and Nicole are sharing a room, Mom has her own, and I have one ready for Erin when he gets here but I couldn't sleep because I was too excited to see Erin again.

I laid there in Stephen's embrace while watching him sleep, his eyes were closed and his beard hairs were out of place on the side he was sleeping on. My heart overwhelmed with joy as I ran my hand through his hair which was matted down since he had no gel.

It made me smile knowing that Stephen was getting along with everyone perfectly, I bet my Mama would have liked him as well. She would be happy to hear that I've settled down a bit from my restless ways. As a child, I was always high strung and played with the boys, of course, nothing really has changed. My Mama used to force me to play with the girls but no girl wanted to play with me because I made our dolls fight.

I wonder what my Mama would think of me dating an Irish wrestler?

"Hello, hello, hello!" I heard a familiar voice shout as someone shut the front door.

I bolted out of bed as quickly as a bunny and dashed down the stairs as fast as I could. Erin chuckled as I running and stopped right in front of him to take the sight of him in, like my brain needed to use my senses to fully believe that Erin was here.

I smiled as Erin stood there in his army uniform with the look of sophistication but when I looked up at his face, I saw the dorky smile that he always had with a playful glint of amusement in his eyes. He smiled at me as he stood there and opened his arms wide. I couldn't control the tears of joy that were rolling down my cheeks as I rushed to hug my brother.

His strong arms enclosed me in a hug and I could smell his familiar cologne that I have always liked, Hugo Boss. Erin was much taller than me yet he was two seconds younger than me. 

"I missed you." I cried as I held him tight.

"Ay, you do this all the time." Erin chuckled as he patted my back.

Angel and Nicolette came running down the stairs while Mom was close behind.

"Erin, you're home," Angel said happily as she and Nicole joined in the hug.

"We all missed you," Nicole said with tears shining in her eyes as she hugged Erin's left side.

"Jeesh, I've been doing this two terms and you all act as if it's my first time." Erin smiled as he held us all close.

"Because each term is just as terrifying." Mom smiled as she kissed Erin's cheek."Welcome home, mijo."

"Thanks, Mom." Erin smiled.

We were all so eager to see Erin that I completely forgot about Stephen, who came halfway down the stairs in his pajamas while looking around. When he saw Erin, I could tell he was a little shy and stood there while looking down at his hands.

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