Chapter 38-Trials

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  After my glorious win at Summer Slam, I was in a great mood. I genuinely feel like nothing, as of this moment, can ruin my mood. But then, I am never one to have constant luck, so I am not sure if I should be saying anything. I feel like that might be challenging the world to prove me wrong.

Tonight I do not have a match, but I do have to sign a contract with Daniel Bryan. So my day today is pretty simple, just talk to Daniel Bryan and then I get to go get something to eat. Which I was more than eager to get it or with because I was absolutely starving. I knew I was going to be able to leave early so I made sure not to snack at all.

I walk right down the halls to the gorilla in my average clothes which was a beige colored long sleeve with giant golden buttons on the sleeves and black dress pants. Since I was going to be signing a contract and I did just win the WWE championship, I made sure to dress pretty professionally. I even ran it by Angel to make sure it was a good outfit

Just as I made it to the gorilla, I could see Hunter and Stephanie were already out there talking to Daniel Bryan. This was bizarre because those two are the CEO and Head of the Board. It is not any of their business to be out here dealing with contracts. I can't be in trouble because I was told to be out by 8:30 so why would Hunter need to be out here? 

"There is no way in hell, Esme is going to walk out here and-" I hear Hunter say, but my entrance music plays.

Hunter tightens his jaw as Daniel Bryan smiles right in his face.

I walk out from behind the gorilla as the fans cheer for me excitedly.

"Esme, what are you doing out here?" Hunter asks me.

"I think I should be asking you that Hunter." I say warily."I am scheduled to be out here to sign this contract but you are not supposed to be out here."

"Esme, I am putting it against your best interest not to accept his offer," Hunter tells me sternly.

"Why not?" I ask in confusion.

When I looked at Daniel Bryan, I could tell he looked extremely frustrated. Which is telling me there is something that is going on that I am not aware of. Hunter has never come to any of my contract signings or told me who to wrestle with. So the fact that he was standing here at all was abnormal to me.

"Well, he is just not on the same page as you," Hunter tells me solemnly.

"Yeah, well five years ago, I wasn't on the Undertaker's page or the Rock." I say as I raise an eyebrow."As a matter of fact, I think I recall some men walking out when I was signed to them Superstar Division."

"But you are different; you have earned your spot as a legend," Hunter says.

"And how is he going to earn the right to be a legend if he doesn't face other legends?" I ask in confusion.

"He isn't going to win; it will be a waste of your time." Hunter persists.

"Do you know the first time I faced a man?" I ask Daniel Bryan."Most people think it was Shelton Benjamin, but it was actually in FCW where I faced a man named David Moreno. Can you guess what happened what I went up against him?"

Daniel shakes his head.

"He handed me my ass." I answer."I lost miserably. The butt-kicking that I received was so upsetting that I honestly felt like I should go back to facing women."

"But I picked myself off the floor, dusted myself, then started training more." I say adamantly."A lot more. I am talking till the crack of dawn till dusk; it was all dedicated to training. So that way, the next time I had a match with him, he actually wound up having an opponent worth fighting."

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