Chapter 12-Good Morning

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Es P.O.V

Sunlight slipped through the blinds and went in my eyes. My eyes fluttered open and saw I was still on the couch with Sheamus. Our trash was still on the coffee table and I remembered that we never got to watch Thor.

The smell of Sheamus' husky cologne calmed me as my head rested on his shoulder. His arms were wrapped around my waist and our right legs were intertwined.

I was incredibly warm from under the blanket, my arms were a little cold since the blanket went up to my shoulders. Sheamus' chest was actually comfortable and I fit perfectly in his arms. My lips were pressed to his neck and it made blush burn on my face with embarrassment.

If Brock Lesnar saw me like this, the big bad Es Aravin cuddled up to Sheamus like a kitten. How embaressing. This is so unlike me, when Sheamus pulled me onto his lap I should have smacked him right in his face. But the truth is I wanted him to hold me, and I wanted those lips on mine.

Damn it this is so unhealthy for me! I shouldn't be letting this happen. I can't be in a relationship or have romantic interests, my poor heart can't take another hurting. Not again, never again. It's like that one damn song 'My minds telling me no, but my body, my body's telling me yes'. And it's not just in a sexual way, but I just like the way he hold me and I like the way he makes me feel. All these emotions are so new and I barely met the guy two weeks ago.

Like right now is a good example, I know I should get up and stop letting him cuddle me but I like how warm I am and how he holds me. I like how I feel so secure, as if nothing bad could ever happen when he's holding me.

Suddenly someone's phone went off, breaking me from my thoughts and waking Sheamus from his slumber. His beautiful blue eyes cracked open and he saw me, a small smile grew on his face and he actually buried his head into my shoulder, letting his tender lips brush my skin that sent a shiver throughout my entire body.

"Good morning, Es." Sheamus smiled before grabbing his phone and answered it."Hello?"

"Hey Sheamus, so did you and Es go on that little date?" Rey asked him.

"Yes we did." Sheamus smiled down at me, making me blush.

"Oh are all of your limbs still intact with your body?" Rey asked.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine, it was cool though, I think we both had a great time." Sheamus winked at me and I smiled.

"Oh good, I was worried she might bite your hand off." Rey chuckled."But hey, Angel and I are going to this seafood place for lunch, are you down?"

"Sure." Sheamus shrugged.

"Okay and please tell Es about it too, Angel says she likes shrimp." Rey said.

"Will do, later Rey." Sheamus nodded.

"Kay I'll text you the address." Rey said."Bye."

Sheamus hung up and looked down at me with a big smile, he squeezed me tighter in his arms and kissed my ear. Yes my ear, weird I know but I actually kind of liked it.

"So Miss Aravin, how was the date?" Sheamus asked with his breath on my ear, making me shiver.

"It was alright." I lied with a big smile to show I was kidding.

"Alright, okay then I guess I'll have to try harder next time." Sheamus chuckled.

Next time?

As if Sheamus read my mind, he looked down at me and asked "I can get a next time, right?"

I lowered my gaze to the ground and I felt like my tongue was tied up in a knot. Will he get a next time? I really did enjoy our date last night, it was a lot of fun. But only couples date and I can't be in a relationship.

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