Chapter 15- Movie Night

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Sheamus P.O.V

I was walking up to my hotel room with a bag full of Chinese food. Or what Americans call Chinese food. It makes me glad there aren't any Irish restaurants around here, it'd be embarrassing to see all of America's stereotypes for an Irish restaurant.

Just as I was about to walk up to the door I heard "Sheamus!"

I turned around at the sound of my name and saw Paige coming up to me. It was surprising because she never really talk to me much.

"Hey Paige, what's up lass?" I asked her.

Just as I asked that, Es came out from the elevator and saw me. She fixed her eyes on Paige and she sort of pouted, but when she saw me looking at her she masked it and walked to our room.

Es walked past us and waved hello to Paige but ignored me, Paige gave a small smile. Then she went into the room.

"Um I was kind of wondering if you were free on before Raw?" Paige asked me while toying with her fingers.

"Oh uh." I said while rubbing the back of my neck."I'm sorry, lass, but I have a photo shoot on that day and a autograph signing in the morning."

"Oh okay." Paige said glumly."I understand."

"Maybe some other time." I smiled lightly and patted her back.

Paige walked away and to the elevator, I felt bad about turning her down but I already have a girl. Even if she doesn't want to admit it yet.

The elevator door closed and I opened the hotel door, I swung it wide open and it jutted to a stop.

"Ow!" Es shouted and crawled out from behind the door.

Es was standing by the door? What the hell was she listening?

"Where you listening?" I asked Es as she rubbed her forehead.

"No!" Es exclaimed even thigh her face was crimson, embarrassed she got caught."I was taking my shoes off!"

"It takes you five minutes to take your shoes off?" I smirked and crossed my arms over my chest.

"And if it does?" Es asked to change the subject as she snatched the bag of food from me and placed the bag on the counter.

I'm glad that she's jealous, it feels good to know that she wants me. Sometimes I feel like I'm going nowhere with her but this was a good sign.

I went behind Es and wrapped my arms around her tiny waist, she looked up immediately and stared at my hands. Then I pressed my lips against my lips against her ear and said "It's okay, Es, I said no."

"You said maybe another time." Es murmured as she undid the knot on the bag.

"That means no." I smiled gently and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear."And I'm glad I made you jealous."

"I'm not jealous. You wish." Es snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Admit it, Es, you like the Celtic Warrior." I said huskily as I kissed her jaw, but just a small peck.

"Whatever." Es scoffed and pulled out a 7-11 bag from her purse."So I have a scary, action, and fantasy movie. Which one first?"

Es showed me three movies, and I was a little nervous about the scary movie but I'm gonna have to tough it up. Probably get the scary movie over with.

"Scary." I said as Es took a bite of her barbecue pork.

"Okay." Es nodded and took the movies to the coffee table. Then she put the movie in the DVDs player.

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