Chapter 10- My Date Part 1

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Es P.O.V

   I was dreaming a beautiful dream as I laid in my warm, cozy bed with the heater on and my cashmere blanket wrapped tight around me. My face snuggled into my pillow, my hair was in a beautiful mess and I had a small thin line of drool going down one side of my face.

Oh yeah, did I mention this was before Sheamus came barging into my room while yelling at me to get up? Well now you know.

"Come on Es!" Sheamus shouted while shaking my shoulders."Up! Up! Up! Come on, lass!"

"Why?" I yawned and quickly rubbed the drool off my cheek.

"Because we're going on our date." Sheamus reminded me as he ripped the blankets off of my body.

My dress from last night was bunched up to my panties and Sheamus blushed at the sight of them, so I pulled them down quickly so he couldn't see it any longer. My face burned red with embarrassment as Sheamus was pretending that he didn't see what he just saw.

"Come lass, up." Sheamus told me while looking through my clothes, not my underwear drawer just the clothes drawer."Ah ha, this will do."

Sheamus pulled out my blue workout shirt and my black and white Adidas then showed them to me for my approval. Even though I was clueless of what he was planning to do with me today.

"What do I need to wear workout clothes for?" I asked him curiously.

"Come on, just change." Sheamus persisted as he threw my clothes at me.

"Where are we going?" I asked him again but he shut the door behind him so I could change.

I hesitantly stared at the clothes he had given me and wondered what we were going to do today. Go to the park? Jog up a mountain? If he thinks exercising is fun to me then he is dead wrong. I'd rather sit on the couch and eat Oreos than run a mile.

"Ugh what if he's one of those people who like running." I groaned in the process of me pulling my dress over my head and dropping it to my ankles.

I changed into the clothes like he said and also washed myself up a bit, then I put my hair up in a ponytail so my hair wasn't in my face while we are doing...whatever we're going to be doing. Lastly I slipped on my black and grey Adidas since whatever we're going to do is going to involve some sort of exercise.

When I walked into the living room, Sheamus was waiting for me. His hair was spiked up as usual but he was wearing a grey/blue workout shirt and some black workout shorts with a pair of black and grey Adidas. He was getting a water so I'm pretty sure he didn't mind me looking over his masculine bis eps that were bulging through his shirt.

"Ready." I chirped while shoving my phone in my pocket."So now do you wanna tell me where we're going?"

"Nope, it's a surprise." Sheamus chuckled and threw me a water bottle.

"We're not gonna be jogging up a hill are we?" I asked him worriedly.

Sheamus looked up at me with a horrified expression, fear overwhelmed me that I got it right and just insulted his idea of a fun day. He frowned at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. But then it quickly went away and he started laughing.

"No I'm just playing, that's not what we're doing." Sheamus laughed at my face."Oh I got you good, smart Alec."

"Ha ha, very funny." I rolled my eyes but was still smiling."You're gonna need a lot more to get my level of wise assissity."

"Is that even a word?" Sheamus chuckled before grabbing his keys and opening the door for me.

"I can pick you up, I can open doors." I smirked while gesturing to the door.

The Only Exception (Sheamus)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora