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I entered the ring as I sized my monstrous opponent Brock Lesnar, who abided in his corner of the ring, glaring at me with hatred. A confident smirk was curved on my lips as I moved to my corner and shook off any of my remaining nerves.

The brilliant lights were beating down on me as my heart drummed excitedly and anxiously. Altogether I could hear the crowd cheers as I looked up at the purple Wrestlemania sign, reminding me of how far I've come in the WWE.

I have worked my ass off like crazy to capture where I am today. It's difficult for women to be given a chance to go against men in the WWE, but when you have repeatedly thrown Divas around like a rag doll, that changes everything.

Everyone was taken aback when the WWE put me against men, but even that was easy for me; I guess wrestling is just a natural thing for me. From Rowdy Roddy Piper to Stone Cold Steve Austin, I have plowed through everybody that has ever scurried across my route, which led up to this very match for the World Heavyweight Championship against Brock Lesnar.

I've been teasing Brock for weeks about this match, and he has learned very well not to pass for my tricks, but it is not any of that matters anymore. There are no more tricks; this is where my goal ends; if I win tonight, then I will be the first person to hold all WWE championships, and they will unquestionably have to put me in the Hall of Fame.

"This match will be scheduled for one fall." The Fink announced."Let's bring in the challenger... From Guadalajara, Mexico, she weighs only 123 pounds and stands 5'7. She is the Sarcastic Savage and the Sweet Torturer... Es Aravin!"

The crowd cheered so loudly that I could hear it roar throughout the stadium, and I wiggled my eyebrows at Brock, who let this very creepy grin slide across his face as he stared at me. It wasn't a normal 'I'm going to get you'll look, more like an 'I know something that you don't' kind of look, and it made me uneasy. There was something he had, or he was going to do; I could feel it in my stomach.

"And the defender of the World Heavy Weight Championship... Weighing 295 pounds and stands 6'3. He is the Beast of Carnage Brock Lesnar!!"

Everyone booed, and I stood up from my corner and put my hands behind my back as I said: "Let's get this party started, shall we?"

"Oh, we're throwing a party." Brock chuckled and stepped forward to tower over me, not that I care."But you're not invited."

Before the bell could even ring, Kurt Angle's music blasted throughout the domain and a smug smile curved on Brock's face that made my very insides churn. Kurt and Brock hate each other, so I was mortified to watch him coming out here.

Suddenly, Shane McMahon's theme started to play, and I knew that that was too much for me to handle independently. Three two hundred pound guys against one 195 pound girl, I wish I could take that much. It's a different game when it comes to men; if these were girls, then I'd have it in the bag.

I nervously watched as I backed up and saw Shane's hand, Kurt, a mess while he got one as well."You know Es." Shane sighed with a tight smirk."We all hate each other here; I hate Brock, Brock hates me, you hate Brock, Brock hates you."

"Only when it comes to you, Es." Kurt said and let out a chuckle as he shook his ugly bald head."Surprisingly, we're all able to put our anger to the side to show our heart to you."

"You've been making a chump out of everyone since you got here." Brock growled."I know I'm tired of you coming out here like you own the place, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. So tonight, all three of us are getting to take the trash out."

"Sorry, Es." Kurt sighed as he and Shane slipped into the ring."There is no space for female champions."


I removed my signature belt, Dolor, meaning Pain, in English. Dolor is my signature item like Triple H has a sledgehammer, or Sting has a bat. Every time I beat a guy in a match, I pull out Dolor and give my opponent a whipping in front of everybody; it's pretty hilarious. They tensed up when they saw it, but that didn't stop them from closing in on me like a pack of wolves. All three of them looked at me with such ire and hate that has been built up since the day I started going against Superstars; I have embarrassed every one of them.

But every individual deserved it; when I first came here, everyone laughed at me. They stated that a short girl like me could never make it to the top. They alleged that a beautiful girl like me could never handle a minute against a guy. They articulated that I might as well call quits now to spare myself the embarrassment.

I have shown them all wrong, this is my night, and I won't let anyone ruin it! I've been in this industry for five years, and I will not tolerate this destroyed by a gang of jealous idiots.

"Bring it, bitches!" I shouted at them as I raised Delor.


{News Report}

Final Night on Monday Night Raw, WWE Diva-Esmeralda Aravin- was injured in a match on WWE's Friday Night Smackdown when three other WWE Superstars brutally beat her. Devotees from all over have gathered here in front of the Austin Hospital in Texas to show their hope for their beloved wrestler. Family such as Es' adoptive mother, twin brother Erin, and her two sisters Angel and Nicole are praying that Es will be alright. And we have just had word from the head of the board, Vince McMahon, about this tragic event.

"What has happened to Miss Aravin is genuinely frightening. It troubles me to see such a great and dedicated wrestler be so maltreated. To guarantee something like this does not ever occur again, we will be putting up more safety rules and more security to ensure employees' safety. I hold high hopes that Es will come back, with the heart and strength she has no doubt death or misery could keep her." Vince McMahon stated.

And he was right; he was damn well right. The Beast of Carnage didn't break me; he just ticked me off.

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