Chapter 14- The Beast in Carnage

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Es P.O.V

After I beat up all of 3MB, Trip was finally convinced that I am fully ready to compete against Brock Lesnar. Which is why at SummerSlam I will be facing him one on one, no championship on the line just dignity. And tonight is the night where is when I make it official.

"Zip a dee da dee dee doe doe, Zip da diddy do." I sang as I walked down the halls to kick off Smackdown with yet another one of my powerful speeches.

Sure enough, Hunter was waiting by the curtain for me with a stern look on his face. I walked up to him and gave him a big cheesy grin just to be a dork. I know he's worried about me but he always does so I know exactly how to handle.

"Ellow mate." I grinned in an Australian accent."You come to wish me good luck and all?"

"Be careful, Es." Hunter warned me.

"Ah quit being such a ninny." I scoffed with an eye roll."I got this, just like I always do."

Hunter raised an eyebrow at me

"Okay maybe not always but 99.9% of the time I always have everything under control." I snickered as I heard the fireworks going outside to show was about to start.

My theme played and I could already the crowd cheering excitedly for me, I walked up to the curtain waved goodbye to Hunter, who just gave me a sad smile. I just laughed it off and shook my head at him, he always doubts me.

I walked out and the crowd went wild when they saw me, hearing their excitement got me excited as well and it made a good rush of adrenaline flood through my body. I put on a smirk and walked down the ramp in my sassy way, as usual I gave hi fives on my way to the ring.

"Es! Es! Es! Es!" They all chanted loudly.

I slipped into the ring and blew kisses to all of them like the dork I am, then I got on to the top ropes and did the signature DX 'Suck it' pose for the fans. They always love it when I do that. Lastly I got down and was handed a mic from one of the cast members.

"Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown everybody!" I announced loudly and they all cheered wildly."Aw it sounds like you all missed me. Come on Hampton show a little love for the returning Sarcastic Savage!"

They howled louder and I laughed loudly.

"I know what you're all thinking 'She's been back for two days she needs to get over it' but I never actually got to talk to you guys about my return." I laughed and gave a big smile."Oh man it has been too long, WWE Universe, too long indeed. But at last, Mama is back home and now my children your savior has arrived."

"As you all may know, the reason I left WWE is because I was brutally attacked by none other than Kurt Angle, Shane McMahon, and Brock Lesnar." I said bitterly and cringed in anger just a bit.

The crowd booed and shouted "They suck cock! They suck cock!"

"I was attacked. But for some reason those three idiots had though they had broken me. Me. The Sarcastic Savage. The Sweet Torturer. The WWE Wonder Woman. Those three idiots that had the privilege of bringing me down." I snorted angrily."I told you all this once, I've told you all this twice so allow me to say it a third time to refresh your memory. I can not be broken! My heart and determination drives me to excellence and my brain gives me the wheels to get me there. Unlike that huge lard Brock Lesnar, I actually have a brain. And it is a brain that he feared so greatly that he needed two other men to bring me down."

"Sadly Brock's fat ass walrus, Paul Heyman, didn't warn him that I would come back. So here I stand and here I stay waiting for a rematch against Brock Lesnar. To show you all the real champion is, to show you all that Brock is nothing more than crap underneath my boots." I declared venomously."I will make Brock Lesnar pay for what he did to me, and since Shane and Kurt are not here to take their beatings I guess I'll just have to beat him three times harder."

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