Chapter 13- The Mall

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I was starting to remember why I don't like going to the mall with Angel. She always makes me try on things I don't like or tries to convince me to wear jewelry more often. But what I noticed is that she seemed sort of skittish as she was looking through a rack.

It always amazed me how good Angel was at covering up her emotions. I am pretty good at it, but she's the master. One second she's upset and then she's full of laughter and giggles.

"I think this would look great on you." Angel squealed as she pulled out a black romper with an aquamarine belt.

"It does look nice." I nodded and examined it.

"Sheamus would like it." Angel smiled and wiggled her eyebrows in a dorky way.

"And why would I care what Sheamus likes." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on, Es, you so like him. I can tell easily by the way you act with him, and you don't smile at other people the way you smile at him." Angel explained while checking out a pastel pink romper with a golden necklace around it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I muttered.

"And that look you had when he was checking out the waitress, oh you looked like you could kill her. And the way you blush around him, it's adorable."

"I'm not adorable." I said in a bitter tone.

"Es, don't take it as an insult. Besides I'm glad that you went on the date in the first place." Angel smiled at me as she pulled out a long black and white striped dress with a small slit on the side."So now that the boys aren't around, how did the date go?"

"It went good, he took me to the park to play basketball. Then we had breakfast. We went to a movie rental place and picked up some pizza. After that we went to a candy shop and went home." I said while trying to squeeze down the smile that was forming on my face."We watched the movies at the hotel and I fell asleep on the couch with him."

"That sounds fun." Angel laughed lightly.

"Yeah it was great." I blushed but turned away so she couldn't see.

Angel got five new dresses and the romper that she picked out while I just bought the romper she picked out and a hat.

"So now that I told you about my date...tell me what's going on between you and Sin Cara." I wiggled my eyebrows at her as we walked out of a store.

"I don't know, he just doesn't seem to like me and I've tried giving him space like giving him small waves hello but he just brushed them off." Angel sighed sadly."And it just bothers me."

"Why?" I asked as we walked into the shoe store.

"I don't know, but I don't like it. There's supposed to be trust in a team and he just tolerates me. And as of lately I feel like I just get in the way, every time I try to help in a match I get scolded for stepping in. Like I'm just supposed to stand there and look pretty." Angel scoffed while I was checking out some Converse while she was checking out some new boots.

"So this isn't just Sin, this is the team in general." I said.

Angel bit her lip and nodded like she was debating on whether to tell me something or not. She turned away and asked a employee if they could bring out her size.

Things got quiet real quick after that and we tried on our shoes in silence. I got two pair of Converse while Angel got one pair of boots.

Angel and I decided to take a break so we got some frozen yogurt then sat down on a bench.

Now I know that I may not care all too much about people's feelings but I can read them easily. Angel was hiding something.

"Angel, what's wrong?" I asked her after taking a bite of my red velvet cupcake yogurt.

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