Chapter 16- Training for the Beast

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Es P.O.V

I woke up this morning with my face centimeters apart from Sheamus'; his body was straight like a stick, but my body was wrapped around his. His arms were around my waist, and mine were around his neck; my right leg was on his hip, but my left was between his legs. The blanket was up to his stomach, but one of the pillows was lost on the ground.

Sheamus' arms were warm and inviting; I wanted to sleep in his arms forever until I died. My cheeks heated up when I saw my lips were barely touching his. Part of me wished I could move an inch closer, and the other told me to let go.

I have to get up; training is waiting.

I sighed as I unwrapped my legs and pushed away from Sheamus. The second I moved my leg, his eyes opened, and he stared at me groggily. Sheamus' crystal blue eyes held my green eyes; he licked his lips and picked his head up as I got out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Sheamus frowned as he sat up.

"Gym gotta start training for SummerSlam," I replied, opening his door.

"You can do it later." Sheamus scowled and opened his bed sheets for me to get back in.

"I like doing it early." I shook my head and walked out.

I returned to my room and grabbed my gym clothes—a maroon sleeveless workout shirt with a hoodie and black Nike pants. Then, I went to my bathroom to clean myself up.

My door opened, and I saw Sheamus enter my room; he plopped himself on my bed and crawled under the covers.

"What are you doing?" I raised an eyebrow with my toothbrush in my mouth.

"What does it look like." Sheamus replied to tease me."Your bed smells nice."

"I drool on my pillows," I smirked before rinsing my mouth with water.

"I know, you drooled on me," Sheamus grunted.

"I did not!" I exclaimed and wiped my mouth.

Sheamus got up from my bed and shuffled into the bathroom; he grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest. My cheeks flushed at having my hand on his bare chest. He smirked as he used my pointer finger to scratch a spot with some dry stuff on it.

"That's your dry saliva." Sheamus snickered as he circled my finger on the spot I drooled on.

"Your breath stinks; go brush your teeth." I rolled my eyes and pulled away.

"But I'm having a lovely conversation with you." Sheamus chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Get out of here." I laughed as he buried his face into my neck."I will burn you with a curling iron."

"No, quit being mean," Sheamus whined.

"What are you five?" I laughed and tried to get away.

Sheamus' hands smoothed over my curvy waist, his fingertips gently digging into my skin and pulling me closer to him. My back hit his chest, and my butt hit his crotch area; I didn't even want to think about that.

"You're so soft; everything is so soft." Sheamus murmured with his lips against my neck."Your hair." And used one free hand to play with a long strand of my hair."Your skin." as he gently sucked on my neck."But if I can feel what the lips feel like." He sighed while he made a circle around my stomach with his hands.

"You're a jerk." I breathed with my body leaning on him as he entranced my mind.

"Always so feisty." Sheamus chuckled, and his lips went from grazing my jaw to moving towards my lips.

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