Chapter 37-My Return

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Es P.O.V.

After two weeks of healing, I was more than ready to get back in the game. It is a good thing I healed just in time because tonight is the night I have patiently waited for months. Summer Slam. Well, technically four years if you count the time I spent out of the WWE.

Tonight I make Brock Lesnar pay for all the shit he has done to me...and Stephen.

Normally my opponents are dumb, steroid-headed men but not this time. Brock Lesnar may be buff, but he is also unbelievably quick too. That makes him a tough opponent; he is not like Big Show, where I usually wear him down. Instead, Brock is quick, powerful, and energetic in the ring.

But Brock is like a venomous cobra, and I need to be a mongoose tonight. Quick, agile, and resilient. My attacks need to be strong enough to put him down but also need to be really quick. Brock has tons of muscle on him, and if I slip up, it will result in serious counters that can bring me down.

My match is the main event since Brock, and I are fighting for the WWE Championship. Which means my match is also the last match of the night. So I came to WWE later than everyone else and am still getting ready for my match in an hour.

I change into my neon green crop top and denim shorts, eager to start my match. This old ring gear has seen many matches and has been covered in my own blood multiple times. It has gotten me through so many hard battles in the ring, and here I was walking into a new era with it. In just an hour, my old WWF gear will be decorated by a new WWE Championship.

Just as I finish getting ready, there is a knock at my door, and it swings open.

"Hey, Es." Nicole smiles brightly as she walks into the room with the Divas Championship.

"Hey, Nicole," I say with a smile."Congratulations on your match against Aj Lee."

"Thanks, it was fairly easy." Nicole shrugs as she takes a seat on my couch while I examine my makeup in the mirror."How about you? Are you ready for your match in a couple of minutes?"

"As ready as I will ever be." I say smugly."Ready to give that cabron the ass-kicking of a lifetime."

"And how has therapy been?" Nicole asks me curiously."Angel told me you have been going for a while now."

"It's been good." I shrug.

"What made you want to go to therapy?" Nicole asks me.

"Well, Stephen and I got into an argument." I sigh heavily as I sit down across from her on the couch."The night I had slept with Roman, we got into an argument, and I wasn't happy with how I reacted. I have always considered myself a changed person from how I used to act, but it seems like I still have much to learn."

"You've changed so much since then, Esme." Nicole smiles warmly."You know I forgive you. I have told you this long ago."

"I know." I nod my head lightly."But I was such a complete ass back then that anything I don't do that isn't mean seems like a drastic change. I didn't like that my behavior is solely based on how my life is going. So from now on, I want to have an iron foundation, so I don't ever fall back to how I was before."

Nicole wavers a small smile as she reaches out, "I am proud of you, Esme. You have come so far from how you used to be. I know I used to be scared of you and hated you even, but you turned around since you joined wrestling. Ever since then, you have always been a great sister."

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