Chapter 19-Florida

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"I can already feel the humidity!" I groaned as Sheamus was driving on the freeway.

"It's not that bad." Sheamus chuckled and patted my arm.

It has been an hour since we got off the plane, Sheamus said we were close to his house. I was afraid to roll down the window so we had the air on. I hate humidity, it's gross and makes me feel icky. Last time I was here I spent my entire time in a tub.

Sheamus stopped at a huge, white house that had a modern day look to it. It was two stories tall and the grass was perfectly cut, window were clean, everything about it was so rich.

"Wow, your house is beautiful." I said in awe.

"Thanks." Sheamus smiled at his house proudly.

He parked the car in a nice garage that only had a drawer of tools inside, other than that it was empty. I got out of the car and heard loud barking coming from inside.

"Is that a dog?" I smiled lightly.

"Oh yeah, that's Sammy." Sheamus chuckled.

I grabbed my suitcase from his trunk and followed Sheamus inside of his house. A little Boston terrier started tipping at me.

Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. But Boston terriers are never a type that I would adopt because they're ugly looking. I have a husky and a corgi, both known for being smart and beautiful dogs.

The dog kept barking at me so I lightly bent down and let him smell my fingers, he sniffed at my fingers then went off to bark some more.

Sheamus' house was absolutely stunning, it had modern artwork and nice furniture. But that was one of the things I was hesitant about, if you were to walk into my home, you would know that you are in a Mexican's house because I have all types of Mexican decorations to help it have this home feeling. If you walked into Sheamus' house then you wouldn't know an Irish man lived here. His house looked very modern American.

"Wow." I breathed as I looked at his black , leather couches with pearl white rug and dark brown wooden floors.

"You can put your stuff in my room, or there's an empty guest room if you want that one. It's right next to mine." Sheamus said as he pulled his stuff up the white stairs, but then he stopped and turned back to me."Here, why don't I take your stuff."

"No it's fine, I got it." I shook my head as I followed him.

Sheamus went into one room so I went into the one next to his like he told me. The guest room was stunning, there was a fluffy brown rug under the bed which was light gray bed with an even darker grey blanket.

"Okay, um..I'll make lunch while you get settled in." Sheamus thought up as he stood at the door"You hungry?"

"Yes please." I nodded as I put my luggage on the bed so I could start unpacking.

"Okay." Sheamus nodded and walked off.

I closed and locked the door when he left them looked in my luggage for something to wear, as of right now I was wearing jeans but it's morning and I know it will get hotter later.

Normally I wouldn't change into something like this, but I am in Florida so I have to dress for the heat. I put on a pair of short shorts and a white top that showed a bit of cleavage and my stomach but not my back. It was a little awkward but I reminded myself that I wear a lot shorter clothes as ring gear.

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