XVII - Good Times & Good Vibes

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For the couple weeks that went by, Dimitri had thankfully been able to avoid the topic of his attempted rape experience. Sophia and even Alexis apparently both found out about it from Kellen after visiting him in jail, but they luckily picked up on his repugnance towards such a conversation and never brought it up. So Dimitri was still able to work in a peaceful environment, even though he did wish no one knew about what happened with Kellen.

To keep his focus off that reality, Dimitri made sure nothing but work, work, work was on his mind whenever he clocked in. He noticed he'd gotten a bit faster when getting his given tasks done, handling clients, and the approval he gained overall from his supervisor, director, and even the CEO had surely risen as well. On this Friday morning after picking up a cup of hot coffee from the employee room, Dimitri was about to head back to his cubicle when he heard his name called out from behind him.

When he looked back, the CEO Mr. Wilson waved him over to his open office, so Dimitri wasted no time going over. He was then welcomed into the man's large, personal office and the door was closed behind them. Mr. Wilson was a man well into his fifties, and while he didn't seem too old, his hair had taken on a complete white color, and his skin was a bit pale and displayed the time in the winkles on his face. The blue eyed man gestured for Dimitri to have a seat in a chair in front of his large desk, and he went and took a seat as well. The city was on display through the wide window behind him, and when he clasped his hands together upon the surface of his desk, he finally cleared his throat, and said, "You can relax, James, I've only got good things to say about you."

Dimitri let out a light laugh, his nervousness going down a notch. One never quite knew what to expect when summoned by the chief executive himself.

"Actually," Mr. Wilson went on, "I called you here to talk about your progress since you've been employed here. For almost six years, you've shown nothing but loyalty for the company, and have come in every single day since you were hired to give it your all. I can't remember a day when you ever called in, or missed even a couple minutes of work. You get here on time every shift, stay whenever you're requested, and don't leave until you've completed everything on your plate. Since day one, you've never given an excuse or complained about your position."

"Forgive me, sir," Dimitri said, "But I didn't get my bachelors in four solid years of college, apply for an internship I was honestly interested in, only to put myself behind a desk I hate and work a job I hate. I love what I do here."

Mr. Wilson smiled with a nod of approval, "And it's definitely that attitude that has driven me to make this decision, James. Now, I know you were born and raised here in Anavrin, and this is where your parents are and everything, but I called you in here this morning to offer you, not only a great opportunity towards earning a higher income, but a chance to essentially leap up the ladder. A very good friend of mine in New York has opened up a Marketing Directors position. I know this may sound strange coming from me, but he's looking for a person with complete dedication who's looking to rise up, and while I know we're located 1,800 miles away at the moment, I took the liberty of speaking to Mr. Corbin, and he is more than willing to fly you up there if you're interested in taking part in an interview and evaluation."

Dimitri almost couldn't believe what he was hearing from his boss. Being offered a promotion out right was a shock. "You said it's in New York?" he inquired.

"Yes," Mr. Wilson confirmed once more, "Same exact company; different location. If the position is to be filled by you, he's stated offering to not only fly you up there, but to pay for a hotel for you until you're able to find a suitable place to live."

"Oh, wow," Dimitri drummed his fingers together, "First of all, sir, I'd like to thank you for thinking of me when you made your decision. I – I couldn't feel more honored. Especially since I haven't been here as long as some of the other people out there. Thank you."

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