XV - Angst & Thanks

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All Kurt wanted to do for the rest of the day was stay close to Dimitri. Although not one person aside from Austin had said much of anything to him, he felt awfully out of place, and the last thing he wanted, was for anyone visiting this Thanksgiving to notice he was a nervous wreck. As Dimitri had explained quickly in the hallway, his father Attis was sitting on the couch with his younger brothers, Ambrose, Phanos, and Morpheus, while Sherrie was in the kitchen with Attis' mother Nora, Uncle Phanos' son Leander, and Uncle Ambrose's son and daughters, Milo, Cassandra, and Michelle. Then there was Aunt Nicky, Uncle Morpheus' wife who'd just entered the house bringing in three trays of cookies and cakes "made from scratch".

With all the names thrown at him, Kurt knew for sure he wouldn't be able to remember all of them right away, so he just nodded along as if he was following. "You didn't catch any of that, did you?" Dimitri asked, and Kurt smiled playfully with a shrug, he laughed, "Well, I probably wouldn't be able to get all that either."

"Oh, hey," Kurt stopped the older man before he turned fully into the living room, "Is no one from Sherrie's family coming?"

"No," Dimitri looked suddenly averse to the topic, "Let's just say my mom's side of the family are uncomfortable to be around. You see, my dad moved from Greece to America when he was six, and they moved into a neighborhood with majority of Italians. So, long story short, my mom's family hates that she went and married a Greek guy and moved to Texas to get away from them."

"The regular ol' Romeo and Juliette," Kurt nodded. "Okay," he shooed Dimitri along, "Lead the way."

When they stepped out into the large living room area, the men on the couch glanced over, and before Dimitri could think to say hello to his uncles, Attis said, "Damn boy, I thought you two were going to sleep in for the rest of the day. Work must be rough on you two."

"To an extent," Dimitri walked by the couch with Kurt trailing behind. He said hello to his three uncles, all of which were equally as intimidating and fit as Attis. There was just something about lean bodies and god-like blond hair that ran in the family, it seemed. All of Attis' brothers were kind when greeting their nephew and Kurt as well, and when they neared the kitchen, Sherrie kissed her son's cheek and said hello to Kurt. "I'm so glad you two are awake, finally. Come on and say hi to everyone else."

Holding on to the back of Dimitri's shirt, Kurt watched as Uncle Ambrose's two daughters came out of the kitchen with side dishes in their hands. "Hey, James," Cassandra said, followed by Michelle who met Kurt's gaze, "Hi, James' new sweetheart."

And then Uncle Ambrose's son Milo trailed behind his sisters with an open bag of chips in his hand, "Sup," is all he uttered before moving by to most likely shut himself away in a guest room until the food was served. They were all in their mid to early twenties, and then Aunt Nicky moved by both of them without saying a single word. Kurt already thought the woman looked rather unsettling with her bobbed blond hair, and unnecessary blue dressed that looked like the one Dorothy wore in the Wizard of Oz.

After saying hello to the rest of the family, Dimitri and Kurt went ahead and took a seat in the living room. There was a football game on the television when they sat down on a loveseat together, and Dimitri couldn't help but laugh at the look Kurt gave him. Dimitri wasn't too much into sports either, and had only ever been to one football game in his whole life. He'd gone to one back in high school to give a guy who had a crush on him "moral support", to then be left behind when a cheerleader was chosen over him at the end of the game. To say the least, Dimitri had developed the least amount of interest in any kind of sport after that.

Settled back in the love seat, Dimitri rubbed the side of Kurt's shoulder when the younger man leaned a little more into him, and when he turned his nose into his lover's dark hair, he smiled to himself when Kurt flinched a little at Attis' and his brother's shout when there was a touchdown. "We can go outside if you want," he said, "Or to the back room until the food is ready."

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