The Siege of the North

Start from the beginning

"Captain Lillian, General Zhao is requesting your company in the control tower with General Iroh." Spoke another guard. Lillian nodded and bowed to Katsu before walking towards the tower. As Lillian walked down the dimly lighted hallway she noticed Lex's shadow leaning against the door, "Princess...." sneered Lex. Lillian stood in front of the door waiting to be let in ignoring Lex when He suddenly stood closely behind her sniffing her hair, "My... don't you smell delicious. I'd love to touch that fair skin of yours... All. Over..." Lex said evilly has he lifted his hand to stroke Lillian's face. Lillian caught Lex's wrist, "Don't...." was all Lillian said when Katsu and the other guard came around the corner, "That's your only warning from me." Lillian hissed as she walked in leave the three men behind, "I love a challenge..." Lex said to the two guards before following Lillian inside.

"This will truly be one for the history books, General Iroh." Zhao said as Lillian walked in and stood straight beside Iroh. "Just think, centuries from now, people will study the great Admiral Zhao who destroyed the last of the Water Tribe civilization. You're lucky you're here to see it." Zhao said. Lillian stood and listened to the men's conversation, "Be careful what you wish for, Admiral. History is not always kind to its subjects" Iroh said, "I suppose you speak from experience? But rest assured, this will be nothing like your legendary failure at Ba-Sing-Se." Zhao said turning his attention to Lillian and Lex, "I hope not, for your sake" Iroh whispered. Iroh left Lillian's side in a slight rush, "Admiral Lex, Captain Lillian, Tell the Captains to prepare for first strike." Zhao said with his back turned. Lex and Lillian bowed before taking out their orders. Once Lillian completed her order's she decided to search for Iroh. When she found him he was speaking to one of the guards in the hallway. Lillian waited for Iroh to finish his discussion before approaching him. In the mean time Lillian reached into her pocked and held the two pieces of Yin and Yang together. Iroh had found Zuko's pendant but the chain had disappeared along with him, so instead she kept them together hoping that it would do the same for her emotions. Iroh nodded to Lillian and then she followed him to the dinning hall for dinner and tea.


below is just a rough idea of how Lex would look more or less... just a bit more larger.

Night had fallen and everyone on the ship were in the rooms resting for their upcoming battle

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Night had fallen and everyone on the ship were in the rooms resting for their upcoming battle. Lillian on the other hand was getting ready for her own battle, a battle against the fire nation. She had bid her farewells to Iroh and was gathering the last of her things, "Going somewhere Princess?" Lex's voice spoke from her door, "What's it to you?" Lillian said without looking at him, "Oh... just looking out for my Future Queen... Wouldn't want anyone finding out who you really are..." Lex said as he inspected his nails, "Threats don't work on me Lex... You should know better than that." Lillian smiled innocently. Lex rose his brow then grinned, "Why don't we kiss and make up?" Lex said crossing his arms over his chest, 'Is he for real??' Lillian thought to her self, "Excuse me?" Lillian choked, "Oh you know you want me! That Prince wasn't man enough to handle you, so? Why not kiss a real man?" Lex said coldly. Lillian felt her anger rise but decided to keep it unseen, "very well Lex..." Lillian leaned forward puckering up her lips. Lex smiled proudly as he leaned down towards the princess, "that's more like it..." but before his lips could even touch her... Her fist collided with his face sending him flying against the wall. Lillian stood beside Lex as his head spun, "If you ever speak a word against him again... Consider your wings clipped..." Lillian hissed before kicking him in the face causing him to pass out.

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