☕︎Happy?☕︎ [Vkook] 1

Start from the beginning

She told him that there was quite a bit of food leftover from that day so he could take it home. He was happy to say the least since their diet consists of mostly drinks to keep them full and cheap convenience store food.

He hugged her tightly and went off home, feeling happy that day. He thought about the priceless beaming look on Jungkook's face when he finds out they'll have something proper to eat that night.

Then suddenly, out of his tired mind he quickly felt sad. He was sad thinking that Jungkook deserves more, he shouldn't have to let something like leftovers be something to be so happy about. It should be like a vacation, a birthday party heck even a puppy would be good.

He then felt a pang of guilt because he was the one who convinced Jungkook to move out of his parents' house. He promised him that they would be able to live comfortably and happily. He can't say that right now can he?

Now that he thought about it, was Jungkook even happy? He would always brave a smile and didn't complain but he didn't really know how he felt.

He then thought about his grandmother and how he wished she was still alive. He missed her greatly as well. He missed how the apartment would smell like her cooking and you could always hear the clanking of pots in the kitchen. There were family pictures on every wall and antiques and trinkets she kept from her past. However, they were now all gone and the walls were bare, all that she left back was a bed, a sofa, a tv and a dinner table for the couple to use.

She was the one who gave that first box of milk tea to Jungkook. Since then it's been part of their lives.

Taehyung briefly wondered if that was why him and Jungkook loved it so much? Taehyung's grandmother was like a grandmother to Jungkook as well. He then realized he would always think about his grandmother when he drinks it.

Then for the first time since their conditions went down hill, he cried. Tears ran down as he walked back to the appartment. He couldn't take it anymore, all he could think about was how much of a mistake this was. He wants to give Jungkook better but he can't.

Before opening the door, he wiped his eyes, he can't let Jungkook see him sad, he would probably cry too.

He opened the door expecting to the see the light on and Jungkook sitting on the sofa, but he wasn't there. Taehyung was confused at first and called him.

"Jagiya?" Taehyung called, taking off his shoes and entering the apartment.

He put the food down and called him again and heard a noise from their bedroom. He quickly went in to see Jungkook lying on the bed, looking exhausted.

He ran over and kneeled next to him.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asks concerned, holding one of his hands.

Jungkook nodded "I'm fine. I nearly fainted at work today so they told me to go home. I'm sorry I couldn't greet you by the door"

"No no it's fine, you need to rest" Taehyung gave him a small smile "you want some tea now?" .

Jungkook smiled as response which made Taehyung smile too. Taehyung helped him up onto his feet.

"Do you feel okay? Can you walk?"

"I'll be fine, I've been lying down for about an hour"

They both went to the kitchen and Taehyung told Jungkook to sit since he will make the tea this time.

He came back out with two hot cups. Jungkook took one and Taehyung sat next to him.

"There are only two more tea bags left, I'll go get some more tomorrow"

And as every night, they drank it, using the cups to warm their hands and the steam to take the chill off their faces.

It was autumn now and the days were getting colder. They don't have a heater so they just cuddle with a lot of blankets at night.

There was silence until Taehyung broke it with a question

"Jungkook" he looked up from his cup.

"Are you happy?"

Jungkook blinked a few times before smiling at him "of course I'm happy Taehyung, I have you"

Taehyung felt his lips curving into a smile as well "really? Even if we don't have much?"

"I don't need much, I already have enough" Jungkook's smile grew wider.

"I love you" Taehyung said

"I love you too and there's something I have tell you"

They then went back to a comfortable silence for just a moment until Jungkook said something that made Taehyung scream out of joy and went over to hug him tight.

"I'm pregnant"

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