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Indi's POV

Everything around me slowed to a stop the moment I first laid eyes on him. 

Everything about him was dark—his jeans, his jacket, his hair, his sunglasses.  Even the look he gave me when he caught my dumfounded stare from across the room.

I looked down at my notepad quickly, heat rising to my cheeks.

Fuck my boss for making me do this.

If it wasn't for her, I would be in my dorm studying and eating Chinese food with Rose.  But instead I was at the station at 8 in the morning, getting ready to do my first ever live-air interview.

With Alex Fucking Turner.

I gulped. 

Having a part time job at an alt-rock radio station seemed like a dream (especially for a journalism major) up until this very moment.  Now I would rather be working some shitty fast food job like the rest of my friends. 

I scribbled fake words into my notepad to look busy while Kelly greeted him. My stomach was doing back flips and I kind of felt like I was going to puke.

Alex Turner probably did a million interviews a week.  He wouldn't even remember this one, right?  

But that didn't take away from the fact that he was famous and I was incredibly nervous and was probably going to fuck up live on air and lose my job.  Why couldn't Kelly start me off with an easy live interview with some shitty local band? 

She was literally throwing me to the sharks. 


I looked up, my heart thumping.  Kelly was calling me over to them.  Alex wasn't looking, thank God.

Well, at least not until I tripped.

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