Chapter 15 - Broken Cages

Beginne am Anfang

Saizo ....



I can't describe the battle and torment that wracked me as I rode.

Dear Jin did his best, but I realised I was punishing him, so I backed off chasing him and let him catch his breath.


            ... Princess.

I couldn't put those two words out of my head. I dismounted and strode towards the cherry tree seeing pictures from what seemed like an age ago. I stood and stared at it, and for a little while everything went blank, all I could hear was my own breathing.

My feet walked me to its bark by themselves and I saw my hand reach out for the trunk...

A bolt like electricity went straight to my heart as I touched it; and I staggered backwards so quickly from shock I ended up sitting down hard on the grass.

This was not pain I could use. This was pain that overtook my mind.

I sat on the grass trying to breathe the pain away.

"Lady Tamara."

The voice close to me made me jump to my feet in an instant, drawing my katana as I spun around.

"You would draw on me?"

The tall frame of Lord Yukimura looked alert, but his eyes were confused.

"Yes, looks that way doesn't it."

My tone was mocking and even in my own ears it didn't sound like me.

I took an attack swing towards him, forcing him to draw his own in defense. The blades clashed as he saw I wasn't kidding.

"I do not want to fight you." He took a step backwards

"Pity." I threatened, stepping into the space he left.

I put an attack to him, which he defended easily, but still had to keep his guard up. We squared off with him looking even more confused and me totally focused on a fight.

I rocked from foot to foot like a tennis player waiting a serve, jumping my katana from one hand to the other.

"So, whatcha got then lover boy?" I baited him, and as he blushed I flew in another attack.

Again he defended easily, but seemed more upset. There was a part of me that just wanted him to attack, put some real force into this exchange.


I said nothing but pressed him harder, speeding up my attack. His features turned grim and he began to use more of his strength in defending.

My spine hit the tree trunk as his sheer power forced me backwards.

Pausing for breath, he thought I was going to stop and relaxed his stance for a second; he took a step forwards,

"Lady Tamara!" He pleaded with me.

I sprung upwards, caught the first branch and jumped over his shoulder and the split second I landed I rammed the katana hilt into the small of his back.

He turned with lightning speed and I saw the point of his blade pass just millimetres from my face.


This time I didn't lose my temper, this time I was able to siphon into myself every emotion and make it calculated, cold, power. For the first time since it was done, my shoulder burned and that was beautiful, pure pain.

Sengoku Visions II Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt