I'm Not Sorry

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I'm Not Sorry- Celinda Santillan & Fiona Flores

copyright © 2012 Celinda Santillan & Fiona Flores

All rights reserved.


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I’m Not Sorry


It’s my twentieth birthday, February twenty-eight. From the day I was born I was my father’s life.My mother isn’t cruel, but my opinion in most cases doesn’t matter to her. It’s neutral though, it doesn’t bother me one bit. I still do what I want whenever I want. I’m just that special. I used to be loved by everyone; now I’m loved only by men. I play with their head and prove how much the same they all are. Pigs, assholes, thieves.

Pigs: They only want one thing ladies and that’s what you have between your legs. They will get down and dirty to get it.

Assholes: They will tell you exactly what you want to hear and then they will act as if they never said anything in front of their friends, family, or anyone in view.

Thieves: They steal your hearts and then tear them apart. Heart break is the worst feeling isn’t it?

Now women aren’t much different. They tend to be very territorial. One look at their man and they hate you for life. Jealousy, hatred, challenge is always in their eyes, but I’m different. I actually don’t keep their men. I see what I like, I get it. It’s that simple.

I’m 5’6 in height. My raven black hair passes my shoulders just flowing around my waist. My skin is flawless, so I don’t wear make-up, but with my full rosy lips and clear blue eyes it always seems like I do. I’m considered very attractive. My image is of those women would kill to have. I’m beautiful on the outside, but one the inside it way different. Let me take you back a year when it was all different.

Right now I turned twenty. On my regular birthday I would have been woken by my father, Jared Veen, and be given a gift only he could afford. This is the rare occasion where I actually see my mother. She’s always busy with work that it was a surprise she lived with us and not her office. Well, that’s what happens when you are a big time lawyer and your husband happens to be a partner and founder of Veen&Co. Everyone only expects perfection from the very professional Veen household. I never cared, I still don’t. All that I saw was how much my dad was in my life. How much he loved me. I was his world and he was mine.

But things change. Change is good. It makes you see truth behind the lies. How a naïve girl like me could believe that everything was alright. That nothing could ever go wrong? Life’s a bitch, but I’m showing how much of a bigger bitch I can be.

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