Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Have you ever felt like you want to just get that wake up call to realize exactly what you’re faced with? You know, that call that you’ve been always waiting for? Maybe you just got out of prison that was your wake up call. Maybe you got cancer removed from your body, that’s your wake up call. Maybe even you lost someone important to you like I did. That’s your wake up call.

My wakeup call is the memories with my father. I can feel him around me. I can hear the whispers of love only a father can give his daughter. He’s here with me. He’s protecting me. Why do I feel like I’ve let him down? Why is it that every time I do something I’m used to, I forget about the girl I was before. The one who smiled. Who had friends to support her. Who had the hopes of one day being someone? I haven’t seen her. I only have seen the girl who’s a notch on some random guy’s bed.

My wakeup call is remembering all the little things that made me whole, and now have left me numb. I can hear the beeps of machines, the steps of someone, but my mind makes me blind to sight. Yes, I want a wakeup call, but I don’t want to wake up. For a long time I’ve been making a big bag of nothing out of my life. And you know what? That’s what I will be. I’m not ordinary. I’m not a striving person. I live day by day. It’s who I am.

“Aphrodite?” I hear a soft voice calling to me.

I swear if it’s that blonde from the ranch I’ll kill her. I’m not in the mood. I’m trying to get a wakeup call here.

“Aphrodite.” I open my eyes, annoyed as hell.

“I’m fucking tired.” My voice comes out raspy as I glare at the woman leaning on top of me.

“You’re awake.” I take a look around, well at least the parts I can look without moving which is mostly the ceiling since I’m laying down.

“Where am I?”

“Can you please tell me your full name, and the year and month we’re in?”

“Where am I?”

“Can you please answer my questions?” She’s getting impatient.

I roll my eyes. “Yeah sure. My name is April Harlyson, and the year is 2010 where my albums are actually wicked.”

“She’s fine. Can you leave me alone with her?” I can recognize that voice anywhere. The nurse pushes the small button so the bed rises to sit me up. Anger boils up in me as the nurse goes out of the door in a rush. I just realize I’m in the hospital. Great for me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask the person with a glare. Her strawberry blonde hair has grown since the last time I’ve saw her. Her blue eyes are a shade darker than mine, but they hold so little emotion that it just reminds me of myself. Her body is slim, built for perfect. Her lips are red as the color of blood. Yet with all her perfections, she’s not perfect.

Her heels click with each step she takes toward me. Each click is calculating as she observes me. “I wouldn’t look like a good mother if I just leave my daughter in the hospital on her own.”

“Being here just saves you a face, not a face that isn’t easily read.” I calm say to her.

My mother flips her hair like a school girls while narrowing her eyes at me. “Listen Aphrodite, you can say what you want to whoever you want, but if you think for one second that I will tolerate it then think again. I’m not in the mood to deal with your childish behavior.”

“There’s the door, don’t let it hit you on your way out then.”

She raises her eyebrow at me. “Do you have any idea all the trouble you caused?”

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