Dogs & Cats

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Authors Note
Hey, friends!!! I get all of the theses jokes from The Funniest Joke Book Ever. Anywho, enjoy.

1. Which kind of dog can jump higher than a building? Any dog. Buildings can't jump.

2. What to cats like to eat for dessert? Mice cream.

3. What should you know before you teach a dog a trick? More than the dog.

4. Which movie is a feline favorite? The Sound of Mew-sic.

5. Why can dogs scratch whenever they want to? They live in a flea country.

6. What did the alien say to the cat? Take me to your litter.

7. Will: If you want to find your dog, you should put an ad in the paper.
Bill: don't be silly. Fido can't read.

8. Which cats make the best bowlers? Alley cats.

9. Why are dogs such terrible dancers? They have two left feet.

10. How do you spell mouse trap using three letters? C-A-T.

11. What did the dog say when it sat on the sandpaper? Ruff.

12. Cat: What smells the most in a garbage dump?
Rat: The nose.

13. Which household cleaner do dalmatians fear most? Spot remover.

14. What's a cat's favorite song? Three Blind Mice.

15. What do you get when you cross a dog and a dandelion? A collie-flower.

16. Which game do cats like to play with mice? Catch.

17. Where do dogs go when their tails fall off? The retail store.

18. What did the Dalmatian say after eating? That hit the spots.

19. What's smarter than a talking cat? A spelling bee.

20. How do fleas get from one dog to the other? By itch-hiking.

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