The Horse Racer Joke

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(Creds to my dad and his two friends for coming up with this joke years and years and years ago!)

There once was a horse racer who needed a new horse to race. He walked over to his very shiny blue pickup truck with a white horse trailer attached to the back. When the horse racer went to put his keys in the truck, he accidentally dropped them and they bounced off of the car seat and into a mud puddle. "Crap." Said the horse racer angrily. He grabbed the keys and wiped them off because you can't put muddy keys into the ignition. He then started his truck and drove off. While he was driving, he saw really pretty trees. They all had vibrant green leaves and dark brown trunks. The horse racer finally saw a farm. He drove up the driveway and stopped his truck. The horse racer looked around until he saw the farmer balling some hay. "Howdy, farmer. Do you have any fast horses here that I could buy?" "Sorry son. I only have pigs and cows here." The horse racer nodded and got into his car. He went to put the key in the ignition and realized that he didn't have his keys. The horse racer saw the farmer heading to his truck. "Hey you left your keys on a pile of hay." The horse racer said a thank you and put his key in the ignition. He then started to drive off again. It was a long journey until he finally came across another farm. It was big, red and it had a huge horse pen in the back. There was one thing in the horse pen that caught the horse racer's eyes: it was an elegant black horse with a white lighting bolt on its forehead and it was running super fast. The horse racer pulled up into the long driveway and got out of his truck. He saw the farmer hand-picking some tomatoes. "Howdy farmer. I saw that horse that you got back there: the one with the lighting bolt on its forehead. How much do you want for it?" "It's not for sale." "I'll give you any amount of money for it." Said the horse racer. "How about $100?" Asked the farmer. The horse racer was thinking of thousands of dollars. "Are you sure that's all you want for it?" "Could you also mention my name in every race that you put that horse in?" The horse racer agreed and him and the farmer loaded up the horse. The horse racer started off. He was driving by a cornfield that had pumpkins all around it. The horse racer realized that he forgot to lock the trailer door, when he saw the horse running around in the rear view mirror. He stopped the car and went to go get the horse, but before he could the horse sat right down on a pumpkin. It was sitting exactly like a human would right on a pumpkin. The horse racer tried to get it off, but the horse wouldn't budge. The farmer was running down the road towards them. He helped the horse racer get the horse back into the trailer and said, "I forgot to tell you that the horse likes to sit on pumpkins." The horse racer got back into his truck and started off again. He was driving on a bridge over a nice stream of water. The horse racer realized that he forgot to lock the trailer again, when he saw the horse running around in the rear view mirror. The horse racer stopped the car, got out, and was a about to get the horse when he saw it sit down right in the water. The horse was sitting exactly like a human would expect it was wiggling a little bit. The horse racer saw the farmer running down the road towards them. Once the farmer got to them, he said, "I didn't mean to rip you off, but the horse like to sit on fish too."

Yes that is it....... Tell this joke to your friends to make them mad! You can describe things differently or leave certain things out to make it longer or shorter. My dad's friend, Corey, has the record of telling this joke for one hour and forty minutes.

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