Pick-up Lines

301 11 10

Authors Note
Hey, friends!!!! Kate-dog helped me with this! Check her out!! Anywho, have fun cringing.

1. *Ross says to Max* My mouth is skittles... Would you like to taste the rainbow?
Max: Y-YES!

2. Max: Wanna go on a ate? I'll give you the d later.
Ross: uh.....yheuwfgshsgw
Max: I'll take that as a yes

3. Are you Google because I've been searching for you.

4. My favorite letters in the alphabet are U R A Q T.

5. Are your legs Nutella because I want to spread them?

6. Is there a mirror in your pants because I can see myself in them.

7. If you are a transformer you would be Optimist-Fine.

8. If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?

9.  Are you art bcnu want to nail you up against a wall.

10. Hello, I'm bisexual. I can buy you a drink now and we can get sexual later.


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