22: Getting worse

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Ten was sitting on the bench, looked at the river with blank stare. So many things circling in his mind that made him stressed and depressed.


He heard a familiar voice called him, he just smiled because he was thinking that it was just his imagination but he heard it again. The voice that called him. He immediately stood up and saw someone ran towards him, with teary eyes and worried face.

That was Hayeon, Lim Hayeon. The person that he tried hard to avoid.

"Ten!" She was out of breath and she tried to control it.

Ten ignored her and was about to leave but she quickly grabbed his hand.

"Don't touch me," He said.

"No, please."

"I said don't touch me!" Ten pulled his hand harshly, made her tears started to falling down.

"Ten, please listen to me.."

"Didn't I already say that we shouldn't talk to each other anymore? Do you not understand? Don't disturb me!" Ten quickly said.

Hayeon was about to hold his hand but he avoided her.

"Stop disturbing me!" Ten shouted.

"Ten, please. Listen to me just this time, please." She said again.

"You are the one who need to listen to me! Don't disturb me and don't get close to me! Do you know how hard is it for me?"

Hayeon was speechless, she tried to understand what he meant.

"I don't want to tell you about this but.. I will die unpeacefully because of you! You are the one who made it like that, you saved me that night and now I will face the tragic accident because of you! Are you satisfy now?"

She widened her eyes, she didn't know that.. she did a big mistake towards him.

"Leave me alone!"

Ten left her while tried hard to hold his tears while Hayeon still there, speechless. Her tears kept falling down, and her body became so weak. She fell on the ground, and someone came to catch her.

"Hayeon, gwenchana?" It was Taeyong. "Did you already tell him? But, why did you cry?"

Hayeon shook her head, "He told me my mistake, my big mistake."

Because of me, all of this happened is because of me.




It became worse, Hayeon blamed herself because the truth why Ten hated her and didn't want to see her anymore. She made him disappointed, but she just did it because she didn't want him to die. But, it still her fault, if she listened to him, maybe she would lose him but he will rest in peace.

"Come on, honey. Eat, don't be like this." Her mother was in her room, bringing a bowl of porridge. She was really sad for seeing her one and only daughter like that.

Hayeon shook her head, "My stomach reject it, mom."

"You are so pale, honey. If you keep being like this, you will be hospitalized. Your father and I didn't have another choice. We are so worried about you, you are our one and only daughter."

Hayeon's tears started to falling down after heard it, she knew she was really selfish. She just thinking about her own feelings, without knowing that she made her parents suffered to see her like that.

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